50% More Salary and an Extra Day Off: Eid Al Adha Entitlements for UAE Employees

A reader inquired about the entitlements for working during the Eid Al Adha break.

Question: I work for a mainland Dubai firm. If I have to work all four days of the Eid Al Adha holiday, what are my entitlements? Are there any exemptions to these entitlements?

Answer: In the UAE, employees are entitled to public holidays as announced by the relevant local authority or the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation. According to Article 28(1) of the Employment Law,

"The employee shall be entitled to official leave with full pay on public holidays determined by decision of the Cabinet."

If an employer requires an employee to work on a public holiday, the employee is entitled to either compensatory leave or additional pay. Specifically, Article 28(2) states,

"Should work circumstances require that the employee work on holidays, the employee shall be compensated with a substitute rest day for each day worked or be paid his salary for normal working days plus a supplement of at least 50% of his basic wage for that day."

Therefore, if you are required to work during the upcoming Eid Al Adha holidays, you are entitled to additional pay or compensatory leave as stipulated by Article 28(2) of the Employment Law. Employers must adhere to these legal provisions and cannot exempt themselves from these obligations.

If compensatory leave is granted, you may request to combine it with your annual leave. Alternatively, if your company's HR policy allows for combining compensatory leave with annual leave, you may take advantage of this option at your convenience.

These provisions are in accordance with Federal Decree Law No. 33 of 2021 on the Regulation of Employment Relations.

News Source: Khaleej Times