7 ways to reduce AC bills in the UAE this summer

Some residents' bills go up 50-70% due to the air conditioner being on most of the time.

With the rise in temperatures that mark summer in the UAE, the air-conditioner bills of the residents also record a spike.

Masoom Fatima, a UAE resident for 20 years, says her AC monthly bill goes up by around 50-70 percent during summer because the air-conditioner is on most of the time.

But there are many steps that consumers can take to bring down the cost and save a decent amount, which can run into two – and sometimes three–digits.

Local utility services providers such as Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corp. (Empower), Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), and Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority (SEWA) issue guidelines time and again for consumers on how best to use resources to reduce bills.

District cooling services firm Empower has launched its Summer Campaign "Set at 24°C Auto mode" to rationalize district cooling energy consumption.

Ahmad bin Shafar, CEO, of Empower, said a passive customer tends to be careless about consumption rationalization and often wastes this luxury because rationalization of district cooling energy consumption helps reduce heavy loads on the national grid.

Below are 7 valuable tips for consumers, building owners, and real estate developers shared on reducing AC during the summer.

1. Set the AC thermostat to 24°C and Auto mode and regularly monitor it as each degree increase in set point temperature can save up to 5 percent on AC consumption.

2. Keep the air conditioner filter clean so that normal cool air is not blocked.

3. Close window curtains to block heat entering through glass and windows.

4. Seal cracks in windows and doors so that hot air doesn’t flow into the room and home.

5. Tint glass doors and windows which help maintain a cool room temperature.

6. Carry out house maintenance regularly

7. Reduce heat from various sources such as the kitchen while cooking.

News Source: Khaleej Times