DEWA's Initiatives Boost Energy and Water Efficiency, Lowering Carbon Footprint

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has significantly advanced its electricity and water production efficiency, achieving a 41.73% improvement in 2023 compared to 2006.

This progress has resulted in a cumulative reduction of 92.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions over the period, equivalent to the carbon absorption of 484 million trees.

DEWA's innovative approach involves co-generation technology using Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) to utilize waste heat from gas turbines, enhancing electricity generation and thermal energy for water desalination. The hybrid desalination system combines Multi-Stage Flashing (MSF) and Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) technologies, optimizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Notably, DEWA has advanced photovoltaic solar panel efficiency from an initial 11% to over 22% by integrating autonomous cleaning robots, solar tracking systems, and mono-bifacial technology. This technological leap underscores DEWA's commitment to smart tools and technologies to boost generation, transmission, distribution, and control network efficiency.

In 2023, DEWA reduced electricity transmission and distribution losses to 2.0%, outperforming Europe and the USA, where losses range between 6-7%. Water network losses were also minimized to 4.6%, compared to around 15% in North America. Dubai set a new world record in Customer Minutes Lost (CML) at 1.06 minutes per customer annually, far below the 15 minutes recorded by leading EU utility companies.

DEWA's initiatives include the Shams Dubai project, promoting rooftop photovoltaic solar panels to generate clean energy and reduce fossil fuel dependence. Additionally, the Dubai Demand Side Management Programme and the Smart Grid initiative further enhance energy efficiency and integrate renewable sources. Through these efforts, DEWA is at the forefront of reducing carbon footprints and fostering sustainability in Dubai.

News Source: Dubai Media Office