Dubai Landlords Must Provide 12-Month Notice to Evict Tenants for Personal Use

Question: I have been renting out my apartment in Dubai for the past three years, and I now wish to move in. What is the process for terminating the tenancy, and how long does it typically take?

Answer:  In Dubai, if you wish to evict a tenant from your apartment to use it for your own personal use or for the use of your first-degree family members, you must provide the tenant with a 12-month notice.

This notice needs to be attested by a notary public, in accordance with Article 25(2)(c) of Law No. 33 of 2008, which amended Law No. 26 of 2007 regulating the relationship between landlords and tenants. The law specifies that the owner must prove they do not own any other suitable property for personal use, and the notice must be delivered either through a notary public or by registered mail.

Additionally, once you have taken possession of the apartment, you are prohibited from renting it out to a third party for at least two years if it is residential property, or three years if it is non-residential. This is in line with Article 26 of the Amended Rent Law, which ensures that the apartment cannot be leased again during this period. If this condition is violated, the tenant has the right to request fair compensation.

To summarize, you can request the tenant to vacate the apartment by serving a 12-month notice, and once you have possession, you must wait at least two years before renting it to anyone else.

News Source: Khaleej Times