Dubai To Ban Single-Use Bags Effective June 1: Fines and Exemptions Explained

The policy for all retail outlets also includes biodegradable bags, as they require dedicated recycling stations.

A Dubai-wide ban on single-use bags, including both plastic and paper, will take effect in less than three months. Earlier this year, businesses in the emirate were required to charge a 25-fil fee for single-use plastic bags.

Starting June 1, all single-use bags will be prohibited across retail outlets in Dubai, and stores will not be obligated to provide free alternatives.

The policy covers all single-use bags for carrying goods, and shoppers are encouraged to bring their own reusable carriers. The Dubai Municipality has clarified that the ban also includes biodegradable bags, as these require specialized recycling facilities. If left in landfills, biodegradable bags can break down into microplastics, which pose environmental hazards.


Certain types of bags are exempt from the ban:

  • Bread bags
  • Bags for products packaged online
  • Trash bin liners
  • Wrapping bags for vegetables, meats, fish, and chicken
  • Laundry bags
  • Electronic device bags
  • Garbage bags
  • Grain bags


Non-compliance with the policy will result in a Dh200 fine, which will double with repeated offenses, up to a maximum of Dh2,000. Shoppers are encouraged to report violations to the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism.

The Dubai Municipality has published a comprehensive guide, available online in Arabic and English, to address questions from consumers and businesses regarding the ban. The guide also offers green alternatives to plastics and tips on adopting sustainable practices.

Mohammed Alrayees, head of the Waste Strategy and Projects Department at Dubai Municipality, stated:

"This comprehensive guide has been launched to answer questions on single-use plastics and green alternatives, in line with our support for all individuals, businesses, and institutions to adopt sustainable practices."

News Source: Khaleej Times