Forbes Advisor Identifies Most Hazardous Cities for Tourists in 2024

Forbes Advisor has released its annual list of the most hazardous cities for tourists in 2024, evaluating 60 global destinations based on seven major risk factors: crime, personal safety, health, infrastructure, natural disasters, and digital security.

According to the comprehensive study, the ten most dangerous cities for tourists are:

  1. Caracas, Venezuela
  2. Karachi, Pakistan
  3. Yangon, Myanmar
  4. Lagos, Nigeria
  5. Manila, Philippines
  6. Bogotá, Colombia
  7. Cairo, Egypt
  8. Mexico City, Mexico
  9. Quito, Ecuador
  10. Dhaka, Bangladesh

Conversely, the study also identifies the safest cities for tourists in 2024, showcasing destinations with the lowest risk scores. These cities include:

  1. Singapore
  2. Tokyo, Japan
  3. Toronto, Canada
  4. Sydney, Australia
  5. Zurich, Switzerland
  6. Copenhagen, Denmark
  7. Seoul, South Korea
  8. Osaka, Japan
  9. Melbourne, Australia
  10. Amsterdam, Netherlands

Singapore tops the list as the world's safest city for tourists, achieving a perfect safety score. Tokyo and Toronto follow closely, each demonstrating impressively low-risk factors.

This ranking by Forbes is part of a broader effort to inform travellers about potential risks, helping them make more informed decisions about their travel destinations. The comprehensive study aims to ensure that tourists are aware of the safety conditions of various cities worldwide.

News Source: The Financial Express