GCC Tourism Sees Strong Growth in 2023, with 68.1 Million International Visitors

Data from the Statistical Centre for the Cooperation Council for the Arab Countries of the Gulf (GCC-Stat) reveals a significant surge in international tourism to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in 2023.

By the end of the year, approximately 68.1 million international tourists visited the region, marking a 42.8% increase compared to pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

This growth aligns with the GCC's strategic tourism goals outlined in the joint tourism strategy for 2023-2030. The region has already achieved 52.9% of its target for increasing incoming trips, aiming for 128.7 million tourists. Additionally, tourism revenues reached US$110.4 billion in 2023, reflecting a 28.2% growth from 2019, and achieving 58.7% of the second strategic goal to boost international tourist spending to US$188 billion.

Intra-GCC tourism also saw a notable rise, accounting for 26.9% of total international visits, with a growth rate of 44.2% since 2019. The Asia-Pacific region remains the largest source of tourists, contributing 38% of total visitors, followed by the Middle East at 25.1%.

The tourism sector's growth is reflected in improved infrastructure, with 10,893 hotel establishments recorded in 2023. Additionally, the sector's contribution to the Gulf's GDP reached 10.8%, with an annual growth rate of 29.4%. The number of tourism sector workers grew by 17%, with women accounting for 12.4% of the workforce, highlighting ongoing efforts to empower women in the industry.

The region also saw progress in environmental sustainability, with natural reserves now comprising 15.1% of the GCC's total area, up 39% since 2017.

News Source: Emirates News Agency