Interview with Eng. Mohammad A. AlShamsi, Managing Director at Nbnii Portal

Interview with Eng. Mohammad A. AlShamsi, Managing Director at Nbnii Portal

Nbnii is an online platform that lists licensed construction-related companies in the UAE in different categories such as contractors, consultants, interior design, and much more.

Nbnii provides customers the ability to post projects, view companies previous projects, review them, and secure their payments.

Nbnii also provides registered companies the opportunity to explore potential projects, present their ongoing and completed projects.

What is your business name?

Nbnii Portal

Which industry does your business belong to?

Construction & Renovation

What is your business type?


How old is your business?

1-5 years

Who are your customers?

Both B2B and B2C

How did you initially come up with the idea or concept for the business?

After experiencing the pain of constructing and renovation first hand, such as simply looking for a place to find all the licensed relevant companies, or looking for a way to view previous project and previous customers reviews, and last but not least, securing payments for both parties the customer and the business Nbnii was born.

Tell us about some of the major turning points in the history of your business.

Nbnii started in 2018, back then, we were an online portal that lists licensed construction-related companies in the UAE in different categories such as contractors, consultants, interior design, and much more for customers to find without hassle.

Today, we provide customers the ability to post projects for companies to bid on or quote directly, view company’s previous projects, secure payment installments, and share their reviews.

What made you choose Dubai as a location to setup your business?

Give back to the community who made us who we are.

Finally, what sets your business apart from the competition?

Escrow payment feature
Payments of each installment shall be retained by Nbnii, then Nbnii will further transfer to the company that was awarded the project after completing each mild stone. The company secures their payments knowing that, according to the installment, the amount is retained and will not face an issue when it comes to customers not paying after completing each mild stone of the project. Likewise, the users will not face any issue with companies that have received that installment and the company not completing the project for whatever reason because the amount is retained with Nbnii and shall be refunded according to the terms and conditions.

Tender feature
Our projects can be sent directly to a specific company or posted for companies within the relevant category to bid on.
View previous project and reviews
Nbnii provides customers the ability to not only post projects, but also view companies previous projects, and previous customers reviews and ratings.

Can you name some of your clients?

ARMS Construction Co, Prime Cool Technical Services, to name a few.

What service(s) or product(s) do you offer/manufacture?

Escrow payment feature
Payments of each installment shall be retained by Nbnii, then Nbnii will further transfer to the company that was awarded the project after completing each mild stone. The company secures their payments knowing that, according to the installment, the amount is retained and will not face an issue when it comes to customers not paying after completing each mild stone of the project. Likewise, the users will not face any issue with companies that have received that installment and the company not completing the project for whatever reason because the amount is retained with Nbnii and shall be refunded according to the terms and conditions.

Tender feature
Our projects can be sent directly to a specific company or posted for companies within the relevant category to bid on.

View previous project and reviews
Nbnii provides customers the ability to not only post projects, but also view companies previous projects, and previous customers reviews and ratings.

What are the key strengths of your products/services?

Tender feature
Our projects can be sent directly to a specific company or posted for companies within the relevant category to bid on.

View previous project and reviews
Nbnii provides customers the ability to not only post projects, but also view companies previous projects, and previous customers reviews and ratings.

Can you share some of your products and pricing?

Customers registration is completely free.
Companies membership:
bronze - free, silver - 49 per month, gold 99 per month, platinum 999 per year.
bronze (3 pictures, 1 category, no card details needed),
silver (10 pics, 3 categories, participate in tender, add company promotions),
gold (25 pics, 6 categories, participate in tender, add company promotions),
platenium (30 pics, 7 cat, participate in tender ""NO COMMISION"", add company promotions).

What are the best ways for your customers to contact your company?

Website, Email

Editor note: You can find more information about Nbnii Portal on HiDubai by visiting their business page here.