MOHAP Announces New Regulations on Permissible Abortion Cases in the UAE

The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) has announced new regulations defining permissible abortion cases and their associated controls and procedures. These measures aim to preserve the life and safety of pregnant women and enhance the oversight of healthcare facilities operating in the UAE.

According to MOHAP, the new regulations outline specific cases where abortion is permitted and the stringent procedures that must be followed. A dedicated committee will be formed within each health authority to make decisions on abortion requests. This committee, established by a decision from MOHAP or the head of the emirate’s health authority, will consist of three doctors: an obstetrics and gynecology specialist, a psychiatry specialist, and a representative from the Public Prosecution. When necessary, the committee is allowed to consult third-party experts with relevant specialties.

The Ministry specifies that abortion is permissible under the following conditions:

  • When continuing the pregnancy endangers the pregnant woman’s life and no alternative measures can save her life.
  • When severe fetal deformation, proven by a medical report from a specialized medical committee, would significantly affect the newborn’s health and life.
  • Other cases as defined, provided the gestational period does not exceed 120 days at the time of the procedure.

The new regulations stipulate that:

  • Abortions must be conducted in licensed healthcare facilities approved by the competent health authority.
  • The procedure must be performed by a licensed obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • The procedure must be free of any medical complications that could endanger the pregnant woman's life.

Healthcare authorities are also tasked with developing policies detailing the responsibilities and obligations of healthcare facilities and medical staff involved in abortion procedures. These policies must include the rights and responsibilities of the pregnant woman, and provide her with necessary healthcare requirements before and after the procedure.

Furthermore, healthcare facilities are mandated to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the personal data of women undergoing abortions. Health authorities are responsible for monitoring and supervising licensed facilities to ensure compliance with the new regulations.

By implementing these measures, MOHAP aims to safeguard the health and well-being of pregnant women while ensuring that abortion procedures are carried out safely and ethically.

News Source: Emirates News Agency