RTA Launches 4th Dubai World Challenge for Self-Driving Transport

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) opens registration for the 4th Dubai World Challenge for Self-Driving Transport 2025, themed "Dubai Autonomous Transport Zone".

Participants can register on the competition's website. Finalists will be named in October, with the winner awarded $3 million at the 2025 Dubai World Congress for Self-Driving Transport.

In its fourth iteration, the Dubai World Challenge for Self-Driving Transport unveils a new competitive framework centered around the theme of the Dubai Autonomous Transport Zone. Emphasizing the RTA's dedication to advancing Dubai's prominence in autonomous mobility technology, the challenge integrates diverse transportation systems within a singular zone, fostering passenger access to varied self-driving transport modes.

Participants are invited to engage either as a consortium comprising multiple entities or as individual entities consolidating various autonomous transportation systems under a unified service banner. The challenge welcomes leading companies proficient in self-driving transport and mobility system integration.

Aligned with RTA's strategy to elevate Dubai's standing in self-driving transport and in line with the government's ambition to transition 25% of all mobility trips to self-driving by 2030, this initiative serves as a global stage. It congregates experts, technology manufacturers, researchers, and academics to cultivate innovative concepts and visions, aligning with Dubai government's objectives, RTA's strategic endeavors, including "Smart Dubai," and the overarching Smart City initiative.

News Source: RTA