Oppo unveils its first smart TV series

Chinese tech company Oppo has unveiled its first smart TV products as part of its broader push to expand its presence in the internet of things sector.

Oppo launched its flagship Smart TV S1 at a launch event in Shanghai earlier this week. The new TV uses a 65-inch screen with a refresh rate of 120Hz, as well as a 210-zone full-array backlight.

More importantly, the TV runs Oppo's new ColorOS TV system. The latter supports one-touch flash projection enabled by near-field communication technologies. This means the small screen instantly transforms into a large screen, and also supports four-channel projection and four-channel viewing.

Oppo said the TV can be linked with its other internet of things devices. For example, you can use its watch to help you when you can't find the remote control. Say, when you fall asleep while watching TV, the watch automatically turns off the screen for you.

Liu Bo, vice-president of Oppo, said the products mark an important step for Oppo to provide a new IoT experience, and the company will ramp up its push to develop excellent products.

Canonical Link: https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202010/21/WS5f8f998aa31024ad0ba7ffed.html

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