TikTok Leads as First Social Platform to Automatically Label AI-Created Content

This week, TikTok announced the implementation of automatic labeling for AI-generated content, even if it's created on external platforms, to prevent confusion and misinformation among viewers.

For over a year, content crafted using TikTok's own AI tools has been labeled. Now, TikTok will extend this practice to include AI-generated images and videos made through other platforms. This is made possible by TikTok's adoption of Content Credentials technology from the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA), which attaches metadata to AI content to streamline the labeling process.

Today, TikTok began rolling out AI labels on images and videos, with plans to expand this to audio-only content soon. AI-created content will feature a label stating "AI-generated" beneath the user's TikTok username. The rollout of these labels will be gradual, as the content must include Content Credentials to be identified and labeled accordingly. As more platforms adopt these credentials, the detection and labeling of AI content are expected to improve across all social networks. In the future, TikTok aims to integrate Content Credentials into its own content. This metadata will remain even when images and videos are downloaded, enabling both individuals and other social networks to utilize C2PA Verify tools to identify AI-generated content originating from TikTok.

News Source: MacRumors.com