Top 5 URL Shortener Services of 2024: Free and Paid Options

A URL shortener is a tool that condenses a URL into a more manageable length while still directing it to the original page. While most URL shorteners are free and user-friendly, they often have certain restrictions. Google’s URL Shortener service was discontinued in 2018, but existing links will still redirect properly until March 30, 2019.

Top URL Shortener Services:

  1. - Bitly provides a free version and a premium enterprise version, which costs approximately $995/month according to a Quora answer. No sign-up is required for basic use, but an account enables enhanced link management and customization. Adding a "+" to any Bitly link (e.g., allows access to link analytics.
  2. TinyURL - This straightforward service doesn’t require registration and lets users customize their short URL keywords. It is completely free but lacks analytics features.
  3. - Highly regarded for its extensive features, integrates with Google Analytics, supports bulk import, detects broken links, and includes detailed built-in analytics. It offers link cloaking among other features and is priced competitively with similar services.
  4. Rebrandly - Known for its comprehensive link management capabilities, Rebrandly allows users to create short URLs with custom domain names. It offers features like UTM tagging, conversion-optimizing social media pixels, and the ability to purchase domain names directly. Rebrandly is relatively expensive.
  5. - Launched as a free alternative to Bitly when it was blocked in Egypt, mimics many of Rebrandly’s features without any cost.

These services offer a range of features and price points for anyone looking to simplify and manage their URLs more effectively.

News Source: Digital Boom