UAE and Ghana Forge $30 Million Partnership for Climate Solutions

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Republic of Ghana announced a significant partnership today, committing US$30 million for nature-based community development and climate solutions.

This initiative was formalized through a letter of intent signed by Dr. Amna bint Abdullah Al Dahak Al Shamsi, UAE’s Minister of Climate Change and the Environment, and Ghana’s Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Samuel A. Jinapor. The signing took place in the presence of key figures including Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP28.

The partnership outlines six key investment areas, including biodiversity corridors, reforestation, and agroecology, aimed at achieving climate, biodiversity, and community development benefits, with an emphasis on gender equality and youth involvement. These efforts align with Ghana's Resilient Ghana nature-climate strategy, incorporating a robust framework for measurement, reporting, and verification through Ghana's innovative REDD+ process.

Dr. Al Dahak Al Shamsi emphasized the UAE's commitment to global biodiversity and the need for initiatives that not only combat deforestation but also enhance local livelihoods. Jinapor echoed these sentiments, highlighting the necessity of financial support to bridge implementation gaps in deforestation efforts.

Razan Khalifa Al Mubarak noted the partnership as a vital example of how nature-rich countries can lead climate action, reinforcing commitments made at COP28 to halt deforestation by 2030.

The initial projects under this partnership will be unveiled at COP29 in Baku in November and at COP30 next year, showcasing the collaborative efforts of the UAE and Ghana in advancing sustainability and climate resilience.

News Source: Emirates News Agency