UAE Schools Introduce Flexible Payment Plans to Ease Financial Strain on Parents

Most schools in the UAE require parents to pay school fees on a term basis, which can be challenging for some families.

For single mother Umm Ahmed, managing these lump-sum payments has been a struggle.

“Paying my 11-year-old son’s school fees on a term basis was impossible,”

she said. Umm Ahmed, who has been at the school since her son was in Grade 2, negotiated a monthly payment plan with the Sharjah school he attends. This arrangement has been a crucial support for her family.

Flexibility in Payment Plans

While many schools follow a term-based payment structure, some institutions, particularly those with an Indian syllabus, offer more flexible payment options. Parent Hannah K. appreciates the monthly payment option at the Our Own English High School in Dubai.

“It doesn’t burden us unnecessarily,”

she said. Similarly, Manish Khiara noted that the Indian High School in Dubai has maintained a monthly payment plan since his time as a student there in the 1990s.

Alternative Payment Methods

For those unable to negotiate a payment plan directly with schools, credit cards and bank offers provide another avenue. Many financial institutions offer interest-free instalments for school fees, and platforms like Tabby and Payit facilitate monthly payments. However, not all parents have access to these options. Umm Ahmed, for example, faced challenges in obtaining a credit card due to her salary constraints and housing allowance deductions. This led her to seek an alternative solution directly with the school.

Credit Cards as a Lifeline

Sharjah resident Mohammed Iqbal found himself in a similar situation when he faced a financial emergency.

“I had always paid school fees on a quarterly basis for my three children,”

he said. When he could not manage the lump sum payment, he resorted to getting a credit card.

“The credit card option helped me break down the huge lump sum into manageable chunks,”

he added. This solution prevented him from having to withdraw his children from school.

School Policies and Financial Flexibility

A senior spokesperson from a British-syllabus school in Jumeirah confirmed that while the standard policy is quarterly payment, some parents are granted monthly payment options under unique financial circumstances.

“We are understanding when parents face genuine financial difficulties and negotiate a payment plan with them,”

the spokesperson said. However, they emphasized that this flexibility is not widely advertised to prevent misuse.

News Source: Khaleej Times