User can now edit their WhatsApp messages

Users now have the ability to edit their WhatsApp messages, providing them with greater flexibility and control over their conversations.

Whether it's a simple typo or the need to provide additional context, the new editing feature allows users to make adjustments to their sent messages.

To utilize this feature, users can simply long-press on a sent message and select 'Edit' from the menu. They have up to 15 minutes after sending the message to make any necessary edits. The edited messages will be labeled with the word 'edited' to inform recipients about the correction, while the edit history remains undisclosed. It's important to note that like all personal messages, the messages and edits are safeguarded by end-to-end encryption, ensuring their privacy and security.

The rollout of this feature has already begun globally, and it will become available to all users in the upcoming weeks.

News Source: WhatsApp Blog