World Governments Summit Explores Future of Government Human Resources

The WGS report "Future Horizons of Government Human Resources" urges governments to adopt a strategic vision for HR, anticipating societal shifts from technological advancements to enhance readiness and competitiveness, prepared with FTI Consulting.

Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi, Minister of State for Government Development and The Future and Vice-Chair of the World Governments Summit, emphasized that proactiveness and future readiness are essential for government development, particularly in talent management and HR systems, to anticipate challenges and ensure sustainable human resources development. The 2024 WGS report reflects dialogues among global ministers, officials, CEOs, and experts on future trends and solutions.

The report highlights emerging trends and potential interventions to shape the future of government human resources through three main priority pillars: skills development, productivity enhancement, and talent development. It cites scientific studies and successful experiences at both local and global levels.

The report highlights a shift from traditional structures to flexible talent pools, continuous skills development, and comprehensive leadership methodologies. For productivity, it emphasizes AI automation, results-driven indicators, data analytics, digital transformation, and performance system reviews.

The report also explores several trends when it comes to talent development, including creating work environments enhanced with cloud computing technology to support integrated work models, focusing on improving employee experiences by increasing work-life balance, benefits, and engagement levels, and transitioning from traditional workspaces to digitally enhanced workspaces. Supportive interventions highlighted in the report include designing future workspaces and redesigning employee incentive and opportunity systems.

The report stresses the need for a flexible methodology that adopts diverse working mechanisms suited to various trends. It underscores the importance of government leadership in designing customised models that align with government work, supporting the development of effective and successful strategies. Key recommendations include encouraging the strategic role of human resources, adopting organisational agility and planning for changes, embracing innovation and experimental initiatives, prioritising goals and final outcomes, focusing on organisational work culture, and emphasising the importance of data.

News Source: Emirates News Agency