
Dubai Launches Arab Media Summit to Unify Regional Media Events

Dubai Launches Arab Media Summit to Unify Regional Media Events

Under the directives of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Mona Ghanem Al Marri announced the launch of the Arab Media Summit.

This platform will unify key media events organized by the Dubai Press Club, including the Arab Media Forum and Arab Youth Media Forum, fostering knowledge exchange and dialogue in the media industry.

Expanded agenda

The 22nd Arab Media Forum, led by Mona Ghanem Al Marri, will discuss the future of the Arab media landscape with top politicians, media leaders, and influencers. It will address political, economic, social, and technological changes, and include the second Arab Youth Media Forum and the evolving Arab Media Award.

High profile-speakers

The 22nd Arab Media Forum will feature sessions on Yemen's future, GCC integration, regional challenges, tech in media, and Kuwaiti media development. With over 110 sessions, the event will host more than 4,000 participants and launch initiatives focused on youth empowerment in media.

Transformations impacting the region’s media

Key sessions at the Arab Media Forum include discussions on media coverage of Palestine, US elections' impact on the region, success stories of Arab women in global media, and the future of streaming. Other highlights are sessions on disinformation, media investments, regional stability, and insights from media pioneers, featuring prominent industry figures.

Proudly from Dubai

Shaima Al Suwaidi, Director of Brand Dubai, announced that Brand Dubai’s 'Proudly from Dubai' network will showcase innovative local businesses at the Arab Media Forum. The event aims to highlight Dubai's entrepreneurial culture and will feature activations on AI-driven media applications.

Recognising excellence

The prestigious Arab Media Award, to be held on 28 May, will honour outstanding achievements in regional broadcast, digital and print media. The Arab Social Media Influencers Summit Award ceremony, to be held on 29 May, will recognise the contributions of digital influencers.


The Arab Youth Media Forum will feature 10 masterclasses held in collaboration with leading global digital platforms. Offering young media professionals a valuable opportunity to hone their professional skills, the masterclasses seek to impart the expertise and knowledge that emerging professionals need to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. The masterclasses will be delivered by leading global media companies including Meta, TikTok, X, YouTube, LinkedIn, SnapChat, Dolby and VFX Mojo.

Celebrating literary excellence

The 22nd Arab Media Forum will celebrate a selection of renowned Arab authors and their major literary works. Book signing sessions will enable authors to engage with attendees and showcase their literary contributions. The sessions reflect the forum’s commitment to support the development of the Arab creative and literary world.

News Source: Emirates News Agency

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