
7X Unveils Ambitious Expansion Plans to Enhance Service Reach and Capabilities

7X Unveils Ambitious Expansion Plans to Enhance Service Reach and Capabilities

7X, formerly Emirates Post Group, has announced sweeping expansion initiatives aimed at fortifying its market presence and service offerings under a new strategic framework unveiled earlier this year.

The conglomerate, comprising Emirates Post, EMX, EDC, and FINTX, is set to bolster its diverse portfolio across the UAE and beyond. Emirates Post, renowned as the nation's official postal service provider, plans to optimize its extensive retail network by strategically locating new service centers within a convenient five-minute drive for customers. Currently boasting 85 branches and two mall kiosks, Emirates Post intends to tailor these new facilities to cater specifically to local community needs.

7X's global footprint is further bolstered by its membership in the Universal Postal Union (UPU), facilitating seamless access to a network spanning 192 countries.

EMX, the group's Courier, Express, and Parcel (CEP) arm, is expanding rapidly, boasting a fleet exceeding 600 vehicles and more than 600 couriers. With a primary hub at Dubai Airport and ten delivery centers across the UAE, EMX ensures reliable logistics solutions. Recent agreements with consulates, government centers, banks, and eCommerce entities underscore EMX's commitment to tailored delivery and digital logistics solutions.

FINTX, comprising Wall Street Exchange and Instant Cash, serves over 100 destinations worldwide. Wall Street Exchange operates 33 branches across the UAE, enhancing customer accessibility, while Instant Cash is rapidly gaining prominence as a leading GCC money transfer service.

EDC, as a pivotal integrator and solutions provider within 7X, supports transformation across 10 countries and 11 industries with its flexible working models.

Abdulla Mohammed Alashram, Group CEO of 7X, emphasized,

"Our expansion strategy aims to enhance customer convenience through new service centers, extended operating hours, and strengthened global partnerships. With over 700 PUDOs already operational, we plan to increase this number to 1,000 by 2024, reaffirming our commitment to customer-centricity and operational excellence."

7X's ambitious plans signify a concerted effort to redefine service standards and expand market leadership across its diverse operational sectors.

News Source: Emirates News Agency

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