
Can Both Parents in Dubai Sponsor and Insure Their Children Under Separate Companies?

Can Both Parents in Dubai Sponsor and Insure Their Children Under Separate Companies?

In Dubai, employers are responsible for giving their employees health insurance and covering their medical expenses.

Question: Both my wife and I work for different companies in Dubai, and our first two children are covered by my company's insurance. However, we're expecting our third child, who won't be covered by my company's insurance as it's limited to two children. Can my wife's company sponsor our third child so we can get insurance from there? What's the process?

Answer: Based on your situation, assuming your employer covers you and your first two children with health insurance, the relevant laws are Federal Decree Law No. 33 of 2021 on Employment Relations and Dubai Law No. 11 of 2013 on Health Insurance.

In Dubai, it is the obligation of an employer to provide health insurance benefits and bear the health care costs of its employees. This is in accordance with Article 13 (8) & (9) of the Employment Law, which states

“The Employer shall:

1. Bear healthcare costs in accordance with the legislation in force in the UAE.

2. Bear the costs of insurances, contributions and securities specified by the legislation in force.”

Furthermore, it is also the obligation of the employer to provide health insurance benefits to its employees in Dubai in accordance with Article 10 of the Dubai Health Insurance Law.

However, if an employer does not provide health insurance benefits to the family members of an employee, then it is the obligation of such employee (if he or she is on an employer’s employment visa) or his/her sponsor to bear the health insurance cost of immediate family members. This is in accordance with Article 11 of the Dubai Health Insurance Law, which states,

“The sponsor shall be obliged of the following:

1. Cover the persons sponsored thereby if they have not been covered by the employer thereof.

2. Bear the cost of such health insurance coverage rather than making the beneficiaries bear such costs.

3. Verify that the health insurance of the persons sponsored thereby is valid for the length of their residence or visiting period.

4. Bear the health services and medical intervention costs in emergencies for any of the persons sponsored thereby if any of them has no health insurance in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

5. Give the persons sponsored thereby the health insurance card.

6. Provide the health insurance policy upon the residence or visiting issuance or renewal of the persons sponsored thereby.

7. Any other obligations specified by the Authority pursuant to the resolutions issued thereby in such concern.”

Based on the aforementioned provisions of law, it is not mandatory for the employer of your wife to grant health insurance benefits to your child/children. As a sponsor, it is your obligation to bear the health insurance costs of your third (to be born) child if the same is not provided by your wife’s employer. However, if the HR policy of your wife’s employer allows children of employees health insurance benefits, then your wife may approach her employer and request to provide health insurance benefits to your third (to be born) child.

News Source: Khaleej Times

Maryam Pervez

Written by Maryam Pervez

Maryam is the Managing Editor at HiDubai, bringing 8+ years of expertise in marketing, social media, and content development. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Comms from Middlesex University.
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