
Crafting Success on TikTok During Ramadan: 3 Simple Cheat Codes for Brands Planning for Ramadan

Crafting Success on TikTok During Ramadan: 3 Simple Cheat Codes for Brands Planning for Ramadan

Ramadan is synonymous with celebrations, joy, and a spirit of generosity.

Magnanimous gifting, home renovations, self-care, shopping, elaborate feasts, and more are hallmarks of the holy month, Such a prolonged sense of joy is unique to the festival, only furthered by users looking for inspiration, infotainment, and indulgences online.

Ramadan conversations start early and last long; 7 out of 10 users surveyed in a recent Ipsos study admitted that Ramadan is their favorite time of the year and associate it with the best brand deals and shopping opportunities. Brands will gain from priming users with the right content mix well in advance.

Although motivations are unique, audiences from all walks of life look forward to Ramadan. While millennials resonate with this time as their favorite during the year, western expats look for deals. Arab expats and locals look forward to gathering together as a family.

Regardless of the reason, it has been shown to amplify the dollar value spent. Ipsos found a 1.6x growth year on year in the average user spend during Ramadan – $3122 instead of $1898 recorded the previous year.

Photo Source: Ipsos

While audience motivations could be different, they all look for relatable content. 83% of those surveyed stated that it is essential to see brands showcase diversity, while there was a 64% increase in engagement with such diversity. Consumers want to see inclusive content and feel represented.

Consumers are actively seeking inspiration during Ramadan. Be it content that helps them discover new products, gifting ideas, home decor ideas, recipes, or deals for products on a list they have already made.

Photo Source: Ipsos

Most brands relish the opportunity to capitalize on prime time slots. Running a campaign during prime time can generate greater visibility, engagement, and conversions for brands.

On TikTok, there are consistent app-opens, creating peaks during Ramadan that don’t exist on other days of the year. Users report 1.9x more watch time per video content during Ramadan.

Users’ time on the platform in the MENAT region peaks during the season; 3 out of 5 users find the platform entertaining and 43% find the platform more trustworthy.

TikTok even has a positive impact on the mood of users, with 47% finding TikTok more uplifting during Ramadan. When asked to rate their mood before and after spending time on different digital platforms, users recorded the highest level of mood improvement on TikTok with an average of 5.89. 

Photo Source: Ipsos

TikTok does much more than entertain. It is known to shorten the discovery-to-purchase cycle by 74%. On TikTok, 1 in 4 users made a purchase even when they did not mean to!

Three Simple Cheat Codes for Brands Planning for Ramadan:

1. Make a 50-day Strategy Instead of a 4-week One

According to research, 36% of Ramadan-related conversions happen 2 weeks before Ramadan and 1 week after the day of Eid. Consumers like to plan and prepare for the season, and brands should too. A 2-5-1 Strategy is recommended that starts 2 weeks before Ramadan starts and extends up to 1 week after Eid.

Brands can target the anticipatory phase two weeks before Ramadan begins with new ideas, recipes, trends, and themes so that users notice them and update their wish lists. In Ramadan, brands can use the initial days to help users explore the right deals, content, and themes and create a diverse mix of binge-worthy content later.

Breaking the monotony in the third week with a unique set of ideas is important. After Eid concludes, it is the time to recap and rejoice using nostalgic moments.

2. Harness the Power of Content Creators

Creators inspire their community with entertaining content, driving home brand authenticity. Consumers are actively seeking inspiration and 55% admitted to feeling inspired to try new products through content creators during the festival season. Brands will do well to partner with content creators who have a strong community supporting them and create authentic content around their own values.

3. Build With the Three ‘I’s in Mind

Inclusivity, inspiration, and influence are the three ‘I’s that brands need to be aware of as the Ramadan season approaches. Inclusive content will be the key vehicle to propel a brand’s visibility as audiences look for content. Inspiration through a creator-led community is the way forward to be remembered, and ultimately it must culminate through influence – increasing conversion rates and shortening sales cycles.

Ramadan is days away so gear up, plan, execute, and attract your community the right way!

News Source: Communicate Online

Maryam Pervez

Written by Maryam Pervez

Maryam is the Managing Editor at HiDubai, bringing 8+ years of expertise in marketing, social media, and content development. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Comms from Middlesex University.
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