
Dubai Approves Ambitious Initiatives to Boost Economic and Social Development

Dubai Approves Ambitious Initiatives to Boost Economic and Social Development

The Executive Council of Dubai has approved a series of transformative initiatives to position Dubai as one of the top three global urban economies by 2033.

This ambitious agenda was spearheaded by H.H. Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, First Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister of Finance of the UAE.

Under the visionary leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai aims to attract AED 650 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) over the next decade. The newly announced Foreign Direct Investment Development Programme will allocate AED 25 billion to support this goal, highlighting Dubai’s robust logistics infrastructure, strategic location, and dynamic talent pool.

Sheikh Maktoum unveiled the Dubai Economic Model, an innovative framework with 3,000 performance indicators to track and enhance the city’s economic progress. This model features interactive dashboards and policy impact assessment reports, enabling data-driven decision-making and fostering transparency. The model is designed to measure economic performance and support strategic planning, ensuring that Dubai remains a leading global commercial hub.

Additionally, the Executive Council approved a comprehensive plan to develop areas around Metro stations, aimed at enriching economic opportunities and enhancing sustainable transport. This initiative supports the concept of a ‘20-minute city,’ where residents can access essential services within a short commute. By 2040, the plan envisions expanding the Metro network to cover 140 stations over 228 square kilometers, increasing public transport usage and improving urban quality of life.

In alignment with the Dubai Social Agenda 33, the Council introduced the ‘Manbar’ programme to nationalize the roles of imams, doubling the number of Emirati citizens in mosques. The programme provides extensive training and evaluation to ensure imams are well-equipped to meet community needs, fostering social stability and empowering individuals.

The ‘Ghras Al Khair’ initiative was also approved to empower young content creators. By partnering with influencers, the programme aims to promote values of tolerance and cohesion, support educational initiatives, and enhance community awareness through digital campaigns.

These initiatives collectively underscore Dubai’s commitment to economic excellence, social stability, and sustainable development, solidifying its status as a top global city.

News Source: Emirates News Agency

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