
Dubai Civil Defence join forces with MBRHE to enhance residential property safety and incident monitoring

Dubai Civil Defence join forces with MBRHE to enhance residential property safety and incident monitoring

The General Directorate of Dubai Civil Defence has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Mohammed bin Rashid Housing Establishment (MBRHE) to strengthen collaboration in integrating their systems to monitor incidents affecting residential properties.

The agreement signed at the Dubai Civil Defence headquarters reflects the two organisations’ common commitment to strengthen strategic cooperation with Dubai government institutions.

The agreement will facilitate immediate communication between Dubai Civil Defence and MBRHE in the event of a fire and enable their personnel to respond swiftly and provide housing solutions to the affected families if required.

The MoU also aims to facilitate collaboration with insurance companies to speed up damage assessment and compensation processes for insured properties. It also entails the creation of a joint database to study the cause of such incidents and formulate strategic prevention plans.

Under the terms of the agreement, both parties have formed a joint working team to coordinate and monitor developments, with the aim of finding long-term solutions to any challenges.

Both organisations will collaborate to conduct a survey of elderly citizens' homes and run a promotional campaign for the fire alarm system ‘Husnutak’ aimed at enhancing the rate of their installation in such homes.

The primary goal of the campaign is to enhance the safety and security of residents and protect them from fire accidents.

Brigadier Rashed Thani Al Matrooshi, Director General of the Dubai Civil Defence General Directorate, and Omar Hamad Bushahab, Executive Director of the Mohammed bin Rashid Housing Establishment, signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organisations.

Brigadier Rashed Thani Al Matrooshi, stressed his organisation's commitment to protecting lives and private property.

He also emphasised the significance of ensuring the ‘Husnutak’ device is installed in all residences to enhance safety and security. The MoU seeks to enhance and optimise the efforts of firefighters and rescuers and support fire prevention and rapid response to incidents.

Omar Hamad Bushahab said:

“MBRHE is keen to enter into productive collaborations with strategic partners in the emirate. The MoU with Dubai Civil Defence will contribute to improving citizens' quality of life and deploying state-of-the-art safety and protection solutions at their residences. We look forward to enhancing collaboration to explore further innovative solutions in this area.”

Bushahab said the partnership with Dubai Civil Defense will enhance MBRHE’s capability to respond rapidly to emergencies and identify their causes. The two organisations will work together with relevant authorities to develop strategic preventive measures that will contribute to safeguarding the lives and property of residents affected by fire incidents, he added.

News Source: Emirates News Agency

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