
DHA Opens Registration for Subspecialty Fellowship Programs

DHA Opens Registration for Subspecialty Fellowship Programs

Dubai Health Authority has recently opened the registration for subspecialty fellowship programs for doctors within and outside the UAE from 14 to 30 September, to complete training requirements in facilities affiliated with the DHA.

The training requirements will be as per accredited bodies such as the Arab Council for Health Specialties, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, and the Royal Irish College of Health Practitioners.

The DHA has obtained accreditation for 7 fellowship programs in fields such as cardiology, gastroenterology, intensive care and NICU care.

The DHA highlighted the criteria for joining fellowship programs. The trainee must have a board certificate in a general specialization or a Certificate of Completion of training requirements from an approved training institute. The trainee also needs written approval from his employer and the trainee must complete all interviews and exams during the tenure of the fellowship.

Candidates, who are interested in the fellowship program, should email all their documents and application to and the applications will be submitted to the Program Training Committee. There will be a round of interviews as well before selection is completed.

The required documents include a valid passport copy, valid Emirates ID copy, CV, a recommendation letter signed by 2 consultants, a no-objection letter from the employer, copy of the professional practice license, copy of the last assessment.

News Source: Dubai PR Network

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