
Dubai Deploys Over 3,000 Sanitation Engineers to Keep City Clean During Eid Al Adha

Dubai Deploys Over 3,000 Sanitation Engineers to Keep City Clean During Eid Al Adha

Dubai Municipality is set to ensure pristine cleanliness across the emirate during the upcoming Eid Al Adha holidays, deploying a robust workforce and integrated operational strategies.

As part of their meticulous planning, the municipality has assigned 3,150 field supervisors and sanitation engineers to oversee cleaning operations across various sectors.

The initiative, aimed at maintaining high cleanliness standards during the festive period, involves comprehensive coverage of roads, highways, residential areas, markets, public beaches, waterways, and public facilities. A total of 2,300 kilometers of roads will be closely monitored and cleaned under this expansive program.

To efficiently manage these tasks, Dubai Municipality has organized its workforce into specialized teams. A core team of 250 supervisors will coordinate the activities of 2,250 sanitation engineers who will operate in a four-shift system. Additionally, 650 cleaning engineers from the private sector have been enlisted to support operations in key areas such as tourist spots and industrial zones.

Public beaches will receive special attention, with dedicated teams of field supervisors and sanitation engineers working in three shifts to ensure cleanliness. Certain beaches, including Corniche Al Mamzar and Jumeirah 1 to 3, will be exclusively reserved for families, reflecting the municipality’s commitment to enhancing public enjoyment and safety during the holidays.

The municipality has also allocated resources for waste collection and transportation, equipped with a fleet of 759 automated vehicles. These vehicles will perform essential duties ranging from routine cleaning to emergency response throughout the Eid period.

Furthermore, Dubai Municipality has streamlined access to public services, encouraging residents to utilize online platforms for various requests, including waste disposal permits and infrastructure-related approvals. Certain services, such as bulk waste collection, will be temporarily suspended on the first day of Eid and resume thereafter.

Authorities have urged the public to cooperate by adhering to guidelines, avoiding littering, and responsibly disposing of waste to uphold the emirate’s cleanliness. The municipality’s efforts underscore its commitment to ensuring a pleasant environment for residents and visitors alike during Eid Al Adha.

For continuous efficiency, operational facilities like the Al Qusais and Bayada landfills will operate non-stop, alongside critical waste treatment facilities, ensuring uninterrupted waste management services throughout the holiday season.

News Source: Khaleej Times

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