
GDRFA Dubai and Dubai Airports Sign Cooperation Agreement to Enhance Passenger Services

GDRFA Dubai and Dubai Airports Sign Cooperation Agreement to Enhance Passenger Services

The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) in Dubai has entered into a cooperation agreement with Dubai Airports aimed at enhancing passenger services and positioning Dubai Airports as a global leader in premium services.

HE Lieutenant General Mohammed Ahmed Al Marri, Director General of the GDRFA, stated that the agreement aligns with GDRFA's strategy to enhance cooperation with key partners and ensure integrated and effective services at Dubai Airports. He emphasized GDRFA's commitment to adopting the latest technologies and best international practices to provide top-notch services and improve the travel experience.

Paul Griffiths, CEO of Dubai Airports, highlighted the significance of the agreement in reinforcing Dubai's status as a world-leading aviation hub. The partnership aims to harness cutting-edge technology to streamline processes and enhance operational efficiency, supporting Dubai's strategic goals for its aviation and tourism sectors.

The collaboration will include the integration of an online service on the Dubai Airports website for passengers to check their registration status at smart gates, facilitating a smoother and faster travel process. Additionally, an electronic link between security systems will improve the efficiency and safety of airport security operations.

GDRFA Dubai reiterated its dedication to providing smart and innovative services that save time and effort for travellers.

News Source: Dubai Media Office

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