
How Gen Z Has Changed the Marketing Industry

How Gen Z Has Changed the Marketing Industry

Today, we live in a digital world. Although the world was introduced to social media platforms all the way back in the late 90s, the COVID-19 years forced us all to depend on our screens to communicate with our loved ones and remain entertained when we were stuck at home.

Since then, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. But it hasn't only affected personal lives, it has hit various industries around the world, from education to healthcare. One of the industries that has flourished with the rise of social media is the marketing industry.

While marketers could promote their stuff through social media, it was still difficult to reach various audiences and connect with those who came across their content. That's where Generation Z comes in.

Generation Z, simply referred to as Gen Z, is a term used to describe those who were born between 1997 and 2012. This generation grew up with social media, with the oldest of the pack having been alive only a few years before the surge in social media platforms. That being said, they're the generation that's most familiar with social media.

Now, the oldest of Gen Z is around 27 years old, meaning almost half of the generation can begin pursuing degrees and careers. With them quickly becoming a dominant demographic in the workplace, they start offering new and fresh ideas. In the world of marketing, that's one of the most important skills.

Here's a deeper look into how this generation has changed and continues changing the marketing industry.

Digital Natives

This is a generation that has been digital since their earliest years. Rather than getting their news from newspapers or TV, everything happening around the world is just a few scrolls away; there's never a need to look away from their screens.

Studies have actually shown that Gen Z spends an average of 4 or more hours a day on their phones. That being said, a company needs to have a strong digital presence if it wants to engage with its current audience and reach new ones.

Nowadays, if your company doesn't have a social media page, then the odds are it won't be as successful. An account on social media can make or break your business. With the rise of digital marketing and online reviews, consumers mainly depend on social media to make their purchasing decisions.

Tech Savvy

With so much exposure to the digital world, Gen Z has been able to develop various tech-related skills from a young age, including programming and editing.

In comparison to the older generations, Gen Z isn't only more tech-savvy, but can also quickly adapt to brand-new tools and platforms. This familiarity with technology means that Gen Z is quick to embrace brand-new gadgets, apps, and platforms.

For a marketer, it's important to take these interests into consideration. If you include new technology like Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR), it becomes much easier to engage with a younger audience like Gen Z and capture their attention.

Surge in Influencers

In the current digital landscape, anyone can go viral for the most mundane things, from a simple dance to just lipsyncing to a popular song. This unpredictable algorithm has caused a sudden increase in the amount of influencers across multiple platforms. From chefs and food reviewers to makeup artists and gurus, influencers do exactly what they're called: they influence.

Gen Z takes the words of influencers seriously, trusting them with giving unbiased and honest thoughts and reviews. This has led to various companies to collaborate with the biggest influencers in the game, even sending them PR packages to review to their large audience.

This approach to marketing not only widens its reach to a bigger audience but also creates great credibility and trust between the company and the consumers.

Shorter Attention Spans

According to a study done by OMD Worldwide, a major media company, Gen Z has a 1-second attention span – and that's not a hyperbole. This 2022 study revealed that they lose attention for ads after an average of just 1.3 seconds.

Having 30-second unskippable ads actually does the opposite of what's intended. Instead of attracting audiences to your product, you're making them resent it. Less is more, and considering their attention span, Gen Z prefers shorter ads that get straight to the point. Quick, short-form content is much more effective with younger audiences rather than long and drawn-out advertisements.

By utilizing this different approach to marketing, companies can easily capture their audience's attention and leave a lasting impression in a short amount of time.

@ariesarise Did i lie 🥲 #titanic #myheartwillgoon #TrendBarco #videoxfoto ♬ My Heart Will Go On (Titanic) - Maliheh Saeedi & Faraz Taali

Memes have built the internet, and now, with the abundance of Gen Zers on the internet, they truly decide what trends and what doesn't. Overnight, one meme could become old and another one takes its place. With this in mind, it's important to keep up with the trends floating around the internet.

One trend that has taken the internet by storm is 'brat summer', based on the recently released album by pop star Charli XCX. The cover is just a bright green background with 'brat' written in the middle. This simplicity has surprisingly captured a lot of people across the internet, and so, brat summer was born. Weirdly enough, a bunch of brands began joining in on the fun, marketing their products as 'brat coded'. Even the most unlikely brands, like Spinney's Supermarket, played into the trend.

Evidently, Gen Z has the power to turn even the simplest of things into worldwide trends. By embracing these memes and trends, brands can easily connect with their younger audiences and reach a whole new audience.


Spinneys is brat coded

♬ original sound - Spinneys UAE


Rather than long, formal words and paragraphs, Gen Z prefers something more authentic and natural. Like anyone interested in a brand, they value transparency and honesty. They want to feel like the content they're seeing is actually genuine and relatable.

For example, take Starface. This acne patch brand is the perfect example of how to market to Gen Z.

Starface is a company that creates star-shaped patches that can help acne. Unlike a lot of other brands, the company speaks the Gen Z language. Most Gen Zers type in lowercase, emojis, and acronyms. Starface takes this into consideration when marketing, completely changing the way they interact with their customers. Rather than feeling the buyer-seller dynamic, the consumers can feel like they're talking to their friends.

This approach resonates with a lot of Gen Z consumers, who of course appreciate the relatable and casual tone. By using this method of marketing, brands can build a more authentic connection with their target audience, consequently giving them a trusted platform and loyal customers.

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Nour Aboras

Written by Nour Aboras

Nour is a Content Writer at HiDubai with three years of experience. She graduated high school with distinction and is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Psychology.
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