
How to Ensure Traffic Fines Don't Affect Your Record When Renting a Car in Dubai

How to Ensure Traffic Fines Don't Affect Your Record When Renting a Car in Dubai

Question: I recently rented a car in Dubai and lent it to my colleague for a day. He received three traffic fines during that time. The rental company has sent me an invoice for the penalties, asking me to pay them. My colleague is willing to cover the cost, but I want to ensure these fines do not appear on my record. How can I make sure my record stays clean?

Answer: In Dubai, traffic violations can lead to fines, black points, vehicle confiscation, suspension, or even cancellation of your driving license. Since you’ve rented the car, the rental company has billed you for the fines incurred by your colleague.

Steps to Take:

  1. Understand the Nature of the Fines: Contact the car rental company to get details about the traffic fines. This will help you determine if there are any black points or serious violations involved.
  2. Identify Who Was Driving: Since the car was rented under your name, the fines and any associated black points might initially be attributed to you. If the rental agreement required you to list other drivers and you didn't provide your colleague’s details, this could complicate the matter.
  3. Contact Dubai Authorities: Reach out to Dubai Police or the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) to check if the fines and black points are registered against your driving license. Explain that your colleague was driving at the time of the violations and provide their details.
  4. Transfer the Responsibility: According to Ministerial Resolution No. (178) of 2017, related to Rules and Procedures of Traffic Control, it’s possible to transfer fines and black points to the actual driver. You will need to furnish evidence or confirmation that your colleague was the one driving.

Applicable Law:

Ministerial Resolution No. (178) of 2017 outlines the rules and procedures for traffic control, including the nature of traffic violations, fines, black points, vehicle retention, and suspension of driving licenses. This resolution can provide you with the legal framework to argue your case.

In Summary:

  • Contact the rental company for fine details.
  • Communicate with Dubai Police or RTA to check and transfer fines and black points.
  • Ensure all future drivers are listed in the rental agreement.

By following these steps, you can clarify the situation and ensure that the fines and any black points are appropriately assigned to your colleague, keeping your driving record clean.

News Source: Khaleej Times

Maryam Pervez

Written by Maryam Pervez

Maryam is the Managing Editor at HiDubai, bringing 8+ years of expertise in marketing, social media, and content development. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Comms from Middlesex University.
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