
Interview with Noura Almannaee, Founder at The Fluffy Station For Pets Supplies

Interview with Noura Almannaee,  Founder at The Fluffy Station For Pets Supplies

The Fluffy station for pets supplies is an online store that list the best and reliable brands options to you. We support pets adoptions and happily will always support families who are looking for pet's to adopt.

100% E-store that's aiming in supporting UAE animal and helping animals in needs when affordable and can be done from our sides.

What is your business name?

The Fluffy Station for pets supplies

Which industry does your business belong to?

Pet Food & Accessories Stores

What is your business type?


How old is your business?

Less than a year

Who are your customers?

People (B2C)

How did you initially come up with the idea or concept for the business?

I have always being an animal lover, since I was a small kid untill now, through all these years I gained a lot of knowledge and experience about raising animals and what's needed for any Pets owners, beside that I'm doing part time volunteering job in animal rescue cases whenever I can, and for now I have more than 10 cat's I adopted, I couldn't just let them stuffer and neglect them coz no one else wanted to adopt them, so I have now officially adopted 3 cat's and fostering three in my home also adopted 2 that I kept with my mother and having Many stray Cat's in my family garden who I rescued but did not success in finding them forever homes, that's give them the opportunity to be free in a place where I feed them, so I after my resignation and with my first day in my last New Job the coronavirus affected it and postponed all the new joiner process for good, so I needed income to survive with feeding all my animals and keeps on rescuing more coz this is what I Love to do and makes me feel better.
Fluffy Station for pets supplies is the outcome of all what I have been through and proudly I can admit that everything is happening for a reason

Tell us about some of the major turning points in the history of your business.

When I got my first few customers who showed me a huge respect to my work and gave thier trust by choosing me to be thier only pets suppliers provider, it was a incredible feeling that's pushed me to keeps on going and never stop.
It's that's simple just by being kind and Nice with people for no reason can makes huge difference in other lives, emotional support from random people encouraged me incredibly without knowing why exactly but it's a Great feeling because only then I knew I'm doing the right thing

What made you choose Dubai as a location to setup your business?

Being an Emirati and living in Dubai gives me the no way thinking chance in doing my business anywhere else but Dubai. Dubai have been always supporter to small business and incredibly providing facilities that I would never found in any other place. To make it Short, Dubai's based business benefits can never count or stop's because every day Dubai wow us with a new thing's that would also give us more points to grow with it.

Finally, what sets your business apart from the competition?

My customer service strategies will always makes me different in the way of how I am building a relationship with my clients during the order process and how I care about everything even knows thier pets, Makes My clients truly loyal to my services and always come back to me. There is a lot of competitive website and concept but not Many with an outstanding customers service

Can you name some of your clients?

A super kind lady who is actively doing animals rescuing jobs in Dubai named Huda.
Mrs Chiara who newly moved to Dubai and have a cute puppy from a breed called Chow chow that she really loves.
An amazing couple in Jumeirah palm who just got married and got an amazing Golden retriever puppy and adopted cute stray cat.
A nice Family who lives in Jumeirah triangle and got a full time jobs beside having a cute puppy that I provide them with a monthly puppy supplies delivery service to save thier time.
A kind local girl called Aisha Alsuwaidi from Abudhabi who got a British breed cat called Mr. Oliver. And a cute Lady who owned Hasky called Smokey from Abudhabi.

What service(s) or product(s) do you offer/manufacture?

All pets supplies and foods with a Free home delivery service to all UAE areas in the 7 Emirates.
For example Pet's grooming products, pet's accessories, pet's supliments, pets treats and food, pet's bedding and pet's owner home solutions products.

What are the key strengths of your products/services?

Honest products description and clear and easy return procedures that gives my clients the right in choosing and having their needs with a trusted provider.
With every purchase from my clients I'm supporting a rescuer animals and helping authorized animals rescuing groups in the UAE.

Are there any exclusive products/services that you offer (not offered anywhere else in Dubai)?

Yes, I provide them with a personal shopper assistance even for products that I don't have when they asked for to have thier requirements I'm one delivery time at once by only ordering them through WhatsApp and emergency delivery 24/7 if available to all thier last minute request specially with the pets food refills request

What are the best ways for your customers to contact your company?

Website, Phone

Is there anything else you want to convey to your potential customers?

We can bring all yours pet's requirements to your doorsteps within 24_48 hours with a 24/7 customer service response and clear tracking package system

Editor note: You can find more information about The Fluffy Station For Pets Supplies on HiDubai by visiting their business page here.

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