
Minister of Culture Emphasizes Vital Role of Cultural Initiatives in UAE's Advancement

Minister of Culture Emphasizes Vital Role of Cultural Initiatives in UAE's Advancement

Sheikh Salem bin Khalid Al Qassimi, Minister of Culture, has underscored the critical importance of cultural initiatives in the nation's advancement.

He emphasised how cultural endeavours serve to strengthen the social fabric, promote international communication and collaboration, and solidify the human and social values that elevate individuals and contribute to their progress.

On the occasion of World Poetry Day, the minister remarked,

"Poetry occupies a distinguished place among other literary arts, particularly within the Arabic language. As the foundational literary form of Arabic, it has historically empowered Arabs, both past and present, to express their ideas and chronicle their heritage. Poetry serves as a repository that has preserved and transmitted their values, pride, and dignity."

He further elaborated,

"Arabic poetry has functioned as a wellspring of knowledge, thought, and wisdom. It acts as a valuable reference that facilitates comprehension of the Quranic language and the Prophetic traditions. Among its significant functions, poetry refines the human spirit and motivates individuals towards ethical conduct. It remains the most effective means to preserve the language and foster articulate expression, serving as a source for proverbs and illustrative examples."

News Source: Emirates News Agency

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