
Masks not necessary in some public places in UAE

Masks not necessary in some public places in UAE

The National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA) announced that it is not mandatory to wear masks in some places while practicing social distancing of 2 metres.

This decision comes after monitoring the marked decrease in the number of cases recorded in the country, which came as a result of the success of national efforts in the investigations and the expansion of state-level screening for cases of infections. In addition, the authorities continuously worked towards providing multiple vaccines against Covid-19 and cooperation society in the application of precautionary and preventive measures in the previous period.

It is not mandatory to wear masks when exercising in public places and when members from the same family are travelling within their own private vehicles. Masks are not mandatory for swimming pools and beaches as well. Masks can also be removed when accessing personal facial and head services in beauty salons as well as in medical centres and clinics when undergoing treatment services.

Local authorities will also place banners showing the areas where people will be allowed to remove their masks and practice social distancing.

The authorities stress the need to abide by by wearing masks in places where it is mandatory as it has been confirmed by studies that masks are one of the most important means to prevent viruses. Those who do not follow the mask rule where it mandatory will subjected to violations.

News Source: National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority

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