
On Site Vs Remote: Why more people prefer to work remotely in Dubai

On Site Vs Remote: Why more people prefer to work remotely in Dubai

In recent years, the concept of remote work or working from home has gained significant popularity worldwide, revolutionizing the traditional office setup as a viable alternative. More and more people today prefer to work remotely which is making them happier and more motivated to do their jobs. This global shift has been further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic before which working from home was not such a common practice, companies all around the world were forced to implement flexible work policies. Due to this today majority of employees want to either work in a hybrid or remote work setting. Even in a vibrant city like Dubai known for its dynamic and thriving business landscape, is no exception to this trend. With more than 60% of employees in the city that believe their productivity increased and the quality of their work improved after working remotely and 70% have considered leaving or have left their jobs if the company didn’t provide a flexible working environment.

Remote working is here to stay whether we like it or not, so let’s take a deep dive to understand the differences between onsite and remote working and the reasons behind the growing preference for remote work in Dubai.

On-site work:

Onsite jobs are those where you need to be at the office to achieve your daily targets and goals. Working from a physical office full-time or part-time is what most of us were used to before the pandemic. Workers in this work model adhere to regular working hours set by their employers and commute to the workplace on a daily basis. Although the structure of an on-site job is more rigid than that of a remote job, on-site positions can still be partially flexible. For instance, some companies do offer flexible hours and friendly work culture among other benefits for on-site jobs.

Here are some of the benefits of working from the office:

  • Fewer distractions from pets, family members, etc.
  • A unified company culture that leads to heightened employee productivity, and a sense of purpose
  • Quick access to the company’s equipment and facilities
  • Simpler and more straightforward communication with colleagues and clients
  • The ability to solve work-related problems faster and as they come
  • Spontaneous ideation and the ability to learn from other experienced team members
  • A better understanding of company culture and values
  • A more thorough onboarding process
  • Getting to know your colleagues on a personal level and making work friends
  • Take advantage of the various benefits the company offers its employees

Still, all these advantages are insufficient to make most employees want to go back to their desks.

Here are the disadvantages of on-site work:

  • Routinely spend time, money, and energy traveling to offices which results in commute stress
  • Employees feel the constant pressure and tension to achieve their daily targets and goals which affects their mental health
  • Increased stress due to external factors like a toxic work environment or a lack of space or other facilities in the office
  • Possibly face distractions or procrastinate instead of doing the work assigned
  • More costs on both employers' and employees’ ends
  • Anxiety to manage time and reach to office daily on time
  • Coming to the office every day and doing the same work repetitively leads to employees feeling burnout, getting bored with their work, and decreasing their productivity and happiness.
  • The only reason most employees don’t give importance to their mental health is that they must keep doing their job as a means of survival

Remote Work:

Remote positions are considered full-time jobs, even though the tasks are being completed from home or another location that is outside of the traditional office space. Employees who work in this capacity have a flexible work schedule. This method allows employees to work productively while juggling their personal and family lives and managing work at the same time. Remote work is therefore ideal for mothers who must care for young children, it also contributes to the creation of a happy and healthy work-life balance. Young adults and Gen Z today no longer give importance to financial gains when seeking job opportunities. It is important for them to prioritize themselves and their lives which is why they look for jobs that have flexible work models offering a better work-life balance and are also beneficial for their mental health.

Here are the advantages of remote work:

  • Remote work allows you to work from anywhere
  • It reduces the time and cost of daily commutes, so you can avoid being stressed while being stuck in traffic in a hurry to reach on time
  • These jobs provide flexible schedules so you can start and end your day whenever you want
  • It allows the recruitment of potential employees with skills instead of their locations.
  • Reduced costs for the company in realty, parking, transportation and other facilities
  • Remote work allows you to create a comfortable office at home where your comfort can be put above others
  • Significant increase in productivity and job satisfaction for employers and employees
  • Remote workers tend to be happier as there is a good work-life balance allowing you to provide more time for their hobbies and interests and improve personal relationships
  • Skip out on the favoritism or office politics
  • There are no interruptions and distractions or a lack of motivation to work while working remotely, which also is quite beneficial for our mental health

Even with all its pros some people just can’t stand the thought of it and couldn’t wait to go back to the office during the pandemic.

Here are the disadvantages of remote work:

  • A lack of relationships and quality communication between colleagues
  • Isolation and loneliness
  • The inability to access valuable resources on time
  • Distractions and interruptions that can be caused by family members, pets etc
  • It is harder to bond and communicate, collaborate, and exchange ideas with colleagues while working remotely
  • You can face Internet issues at home which can’t be solved immediately making you miss out on the work meant for the day
  • If you have any doubts, you need to wait for your manager to come online and respond to you to solve it
  • You can develop a fear of missing out on all the things your colleagues at the office can be indulging in
  • Working remotely, you miss out on the friendly and encouraging work culture of the company that promotes office lunches, dinners, trips, and other benefits

Why do more people in Dubai prefer to work remotely?

Image Source: Gulf News 

Even in a city like Dubai, where the business landscape is soaring, remote work is extremely in demand. According to a survey conducted by CISCO, 90% of employees in UAE want to work either in a hybrid or a complexly remote work model. Covid forced everyone around the world to leave everything and work from home, these employees have experienced firsthand the benefits of working remotely instead of from the office hence they expect it to continue in the future too. 61% of working professionals said they would be less likely to look for a new job if they are offered remote work or even hybrid work where they might have to come to the office one to two days a week. Remote work is most popular for the reason that it increases productivity, happiness, and motivation to work and improves your mental being. 44% of employees have said their productivity increased when they work from home and 38% felt more motivated to work instead of from the office. 40% of employees also agree that due to working remotely, their job satisfaction has increased and that they are fully happy with the work they do and the job they have. [Statistics from Michael Page and The National]

The flexibility that remote work offers is one of the main factors contributing to the rise in preference for it in Dubai. Dubai is such a vibrant and happening city where something exciting is always waiting for you to experience, working remotely allows you to juggle your personal and professional responsibilities more effectively and have the time to experience the beautiful city around you, ultimately creating a positive work-life balance. Remote work also eliminates the stressful time spent in the city’s heavy morning traffic on the way to work which allows you to save valuable time and energy. Dubai is known for its luxurious lifestyle, but it also comes with a high cost of living. Remote work allows you to save money on the various expenses associated with on-site work and use that money on other important things. This financial relief is especially appealing in a city like Dubai, where expenses can be substantial.

Another plus is that the city has an excellent technological infrastructure and connectivity, making it an ideal location for remote work. Its strong communication networks, dependable internet connectivity, and cutting-edge technology enable seamless remote collaboration. This technologically advanced environment encourages remote work arrangements and enables professionals to work efficiently and effectively from the comfort of their own homes.

The increasing preference for remote work in Dubai reflects the changing dynamics of the modern workforce. Remote work arrangements are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility, work-life balance, lower cost of living, advanced technology, and changing work culture. As more people realize the benefits of remote work and embrace it, it is expected to continue reshaping the way we work in Dubai and beyond. Dubai is well-positioned to lead the way in embracing and promoting the remote work revolution, thanks to its thriving business landscape and technological advancements.

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