
Reasons Behind the Surge in Mobile Shopping Among UAE Consumers

Reasons Behind the Surge in Mobile Shopping Among UAE Consumers

In a recent study, it was revealed that a staggering 94% of the 3.1 million adult shoppers in the country utilized at least one digital shopping feature during their latest purchase.

UAE shoppers continue to be the most mobile-centric and omnichannel consumers globally because they believe that the deals, rewards, and experiences are better in online shopping, according to a newly-released survey.

According to the 2023 Global Shopping Index: UAE Edition released by PYMNTS and Visa Cybersource, 94 percent of UAE’s 3.1 million adult shoppers used at least one digital shopping feature during their most recent retail shopping journey.

It revealed that 25 percent of UAE consumers use their phones to compare prices while 24 use handsets to search for product information.

It found that 28 percent of shoppers made their most recent retail purchases on their smartphones – the highest in any country. In addition to free shipping, better prices and an easy checkout process are the two major attractive features attracting UAE shoppers in mobile shopping.

Attractive deals

Since mobile penetration in the UAE is among the highest in the world, retailers are left with no option but to offer attractive deals through their digital channels. With players like Noon and Amazon dominating the market, other brick-and-mortar players are competing aggressively to win more customers.

The survey involved 13,349 consumers and 3,124 merchants across Brazil, India, Mexico, UAE, the UK, and the US.

“With the highest global digital shopping index score, it is evident that local merchants have successfully crafted seamless shopping and payment experiences for their customers.”

said Salima Gutieva, vice-president and UAE country manager – Visa.

"The fact that 94 percent of adult UAE shoppers have incorporated at least one digital feature during their recent shopping journey highlights the strong digital adoption in the market,”

said Gutieva.

The survey found that 33 percent of women and 27 percent of men shop exclusively from their phones.

In addition, UAE consumers also use their smartphones to enhance their in-store shopping experience. It found that men, at 55 percent, are more likely than women — 45 percent — to use their smartphones to enhance their in-store shopping journeys.

News Source: Khaleej Times

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