
UAE: Is it Possible for a Deported Individual to Re-enter the Country?

UAE: Is it Possible for a Deported Individual to Re-enter the Country?

Questions: My friend was deported from Dubai after he was engaged in a fight. Can he come back and work again in Dubai? If there is a ban on him, can it be removed?

Answer: Pursuant to your queries, it is assumed that your friend was convicted in UAE for a crime committed by him and based on the criminal judgement issued by the relevant court in the UAE he may have served the imprisonment term mentioned in the criminal judgement and thereafter deported from the UAE. Therefore, the provisions of Federal Decree-Law No. 29 of 2021 Regarding the Entry and Residence of Aliens are applicable.

An individual may be deported from the UAE if his or her activities in the UAE are a threat to society which may include reasons such as public interest, public security, public morals, or public health.

This is in accordance with Article 15 (1) of the UAE Immigration Law, which states,

“The Federal Attorney General or his authorised representative and the President or whomever he delegates may order the deportation of the alien even if he has a visa or residence permit, if such deportation is required by the public interest, public security, public morals, or public health, or if he has no apparent means of living.”

Further, any individual may be deported due to an order issued by a relevant court in the UAE which has jurisdiction to determine the matter or on the order of the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security. An individual who is deported from the UAE may re-enter UAE upon obtaining permission from the President of the State.

This is in accordance with Article 18(1) of the UAE Immigration Law, which states,

“The Alien who has previously been deported may not return to the State without the permission of the President.”

News Source: Khaleej Times

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