
UAE to Introduce Electronic Services for Streamlined Accommodation During Haj 2024

UAE to Introduce Electronic Services for Streamlined Accommodation During Haj 2024

The UAE Pilgrims Affairs Office has announced plans to streamline accommodation procedures for pilgrims during this year's pilgrimage.

In a bid to enhance efficiency, the office will introduce electronic services to facilitate the allocation of housing. This initiative aims to provide timely and accurate housing lists, ensuring a smooth process for assigning pilgrims to their designated tents.

These lists are expected to be distributed well before the rituals, contributing to a more organized and hassle-free experience for pilgrims. Emphasizing their commitment to improving electronic services, the office aims to simplify procedures and enhance overall satisfaction.

Recently, Sheikh Nahyan bin Saif Al Nahyan, the UAE Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, visited the pilgrims' camps in the holy sites, underscoring the UAE's dedication to ensuring the well-being of its pilgrims.

News Source: Khaleej Times

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