
UAE-Turkish non-oil intra-trade reaches AED 378 billion over a decade

UAE-Turkish non-oil intra-trade reaches AED 378 billion over a decade

In the period from 2013 to 2022, non-oil trade between the UAE and Turkey amounted to a total of AED 378 billion, as revealed by a report from the Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Centre (FCSC). This trade was divided into AED 204.3 billion in imports, approximately AED 127.5 billion in exports, and over AED 46 billion in re-exports.

The FCSC report highlighted that raw gold was the most significant commodity imported by the UAE from Turkey in 2022, with a value of AED 15.6 billion. Jewelry ranked second on the list of key imported commodities in the same year, amounting to AED 9.4 billion.

Regarding exports, raw gold stood out as the leading commodity from the UAE to Turkey in 2022, valued at AED 17.7 billion. Jewelry topped the list of re-exported commodities, with a value of AED 2.5 billion, followed by raw gold worth AED 1.8 billion.

News Source: Emirates News Agency

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