
Unusual Items Forgotten by Dubai Passengers in Uber Cars

Unusual Items Forgotten by Dubai Passengers in Uber Cars

Remember the incident of a couple leaving their baby in a taxi or the case of a taxi rider forgetting Dh1 million in cash? The latest index from Uber unveils more intriguing tales of lost-and-found items.

Dubai has earned the distinction of being one of the most forgetful cities worldwide this year, as revealed by Uber's annual 'Lost and Found Index.' It's quite common to misplace or forget small items like keys or ID cards, as they can easily slip through bags. However, it's surprising to discover that passengers have managed to leave behind larger items such as guitars and scooters in their Uber rides over the past year. In one instance, a Cartier box was also forgotten.

In addition to a guitar and scooter, there were some other remarkable items that were left behind by Uber passengers, such as a Nintendo Switch with a unique Super Mario cover and even a Cartier box. The annual 'Lost and Found Index' by Uber provides a glimpse into the items that riders commonly forget, ranging from everyday objects to surprising items that you wouldn't expect to be left behind. This is the seventh year that Uber has published the index, which also reveals the cities with the highest rates of forgetfulness and identifies the specific times and days of the week when items are most frequently left behind.

Previously, the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai has also released lists of forgotten items, and one of the most noteworthy instances involved a baby. In 2017, a couple from the Gulf accidentally left their sleeping newborn in a taxi when they got off at the airport. Fortunately, the child was quickly returned to the concerned parents.

Dubai is often recognized as one of the safest cities globally, where the majority of lost items are successfully reunited with their owners. An example of this is when a taxi driver was honored for returning Dh1 million that a passenger had forgotten. Additionally, earlier this year, a Kyrgyz tourist was reunited with a Dh110,000 watch that she had lost during her visit to Dubai a year ago, despite never filing a missing report.

Top 10 commonly forgotten items:

  1. Clothing
  2. Phone/camera
  3. Luggage
  4. Wallet/purse
  5. Headphones/speakers
  6. Jewelry, watches, and makeup
  7. Glasses
  8. Laptop
  9. Watch
  10. Books

Most forgetful dates:

  1. February 23, 2023
  2. March 3, 2023
  3. February 26, 2023
  4. February 27, 2023
  5. January 1, 2023

Most forgetful times of day:

  1. 4 pm
  2. 2 pm
  3. 5 pm

Unique forgotten items:

  1. Guitar
  2. Nintendo Switch in a Super Mario cover
  3. Cartier box
  4. Scooter
  5. Burberry shawl

News Source: Khaleej Times

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