
Work Visa Age Limit in Dubai: Labour Law, Retirement & More

Work Visa Age Limit in Dubai: Labour Law, Retirement & More

Dubai has rapidly become one of the most sought-after destinations for expatriates, attracting a diverse workforce from across the globe. Its booming economy, rich cultural tapestry, and high standard of living make it a prime location for career opportunities. Understanding the legal age limits for work visas is crucial for those looking to work in Dubai.

This article provides a detailed overview of work visa age limits in Dubai, covering the minimum and maximum age requirements, the legal framework, retirement regulations, and special provisions for older workers.

Dubai's Labour Law

Dubai's labour laws are crafted to ensure fairness and protection for all employees, including expatriates. These regulations are administered by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE), which oversees employment practices and ensures compliance. Key aspects of Dubai's labor laws pertinent to work visa age limits include the minimum and maximum age requirements for employment and the processes for obtaining and renewing work permits for older workers.

The labor laws emphasize the importance of maintaining a balanced and equitable workplace, safeguarding the rights of workers, and ensuring that employers adhere to legal standards. This regulatory framework is essential for fostering a fair and dynamic job market in Dubai.

Types of Work Visas in the UAE

Dubai offers various types of work visas to accommodate the diverse needs of its expatriate workforce. Each visa type has specific requirements and caters to different employment scenarios:

Employment Visa:

This is the standard visa for employees sponsored by a company. It requires a valid passport, passport photos, an Emirates ID card, and an entry permit from the Ministry of Labor. The employment contract must be approved by MoHRE before the visa is issued.

Green Visa:

Introduced as part of the new immigration regulations in September 2022, the Green Visa is a self-sponsored residence permit for highly skilled workers, investors, and freelancers. It allows for self-sponsorship without the need for a local employer, providing greater flexibility for professionals.

Other Visas:

Dubai also offers Investor Visas, Freelance Visas, and Retirement Visas. Each of these visas serves different purposes, such as allowing investors to start businesses, freelancers to work independently, and retirees to reside in Dubai after their working years.

Requirements for Obtaining Work Visas

To obtain a work visa in Dubai, several basic requirements must be met:

  • Applicants must be at least 18 years old.
  • Valid passport and a photocopy.
  • Passport photos.
  • An Emirates ID card.
  • An entry permit from the Ministry of Labor.
  • Results of a medical screening.
  • A copy of the company’s commercial license.
  • A work permit application form (completed in Arabic).
  • An employment contract or job offer from a company in the UAE.
  • The sponsoring company must have a valid trade license and comply with all legal standards set by MoHRE.

Minimum Age for Employment

The legal minimum age for employment in Dubai is 15 years. Individuals aged 15 to 18 can work under specific conditions, primarily in roles such as internships or part-time jobs, which are subject to strict regulations on working hours and conditions. The goal is to ensure that young workers gain valuable experience while being protected from exploitation or harmful working conditions.

To legally work in Dubai, juveniles must obtain a juvenile work permit. This permit, issued by MoHRE, requires several documents, including a written consent from a guardian or custodian, a medical certificate confirming the individual’s fitness for the job, and proof of a valid residence permit. The juvenile work permit is typically valid for a year and comes with restrictions to safeguard young workers.

Terms and Conditions Governing Age Limit to Work in Dubai:

  • Juveniles aged between 15 and 18 years can work but are subject to strict regulations regarding working hours and job types.
  • Juveniles are not allowed to work at night, in industrial projects, or in hazardous environments.
  • The work should align with the activities of the establishment.
  • Employers must have a valid trade license to hire juveniles.
  • Juveniles cannot hold a valid work permit for work that is prohibited for their age group.
  • Minors are not allowed to work overtime or in dangerous jobs.
  • The maximum working hours for underage employees is six hours a day, including a one-hour break.

Documents Required to Apply for Juvenile Work Permit:

  • A clear-colored photo with a white background.
  • A written consent by a guardian or custodian.
  • A certificate of fitness for the work required (issued by the medical authority).
  • A copy of the passport.
  • A copy of a valid residence permit.
  • The employment contract approved by the ministry with the signatures of both the employer and the employee.

Training Programs and Internships for 15-18 Year Olds:

The UAE Labour Law allows students aged 15 and above to apply for work-related training during their academic holidays. These training permits enable students to work for up to three consecutive months and are subject to MoHRE's regulations. To apply for a training permit, students need:

  • Proof of student status.
  • A valid UAE residence visa for expat students.
  • A copy of the Emirates ID.
  • A no-objection certificate from the educational institute where the student is enrolled.

Maximum Age for Work Visas

In Dubai, the general maximum age limit for obtaining a work visa is 60 years. However, individuals can continue working up to the age of 65, provided they receive special approval from MoHRE. This extension is typically granted to those who possess rare skills or experience valuable to their employers and the broader economy.

For workers over the age of 60, work permits must be renewed annually, and the process involves higher fees compared to younger workers. Employers must ensure that their older employees comply with all regulatory requirements, including medical fitness and adherence to work conditions.

For those considering retirement, Dubai offers a retirement visa option. This visa is available to expatriates over 55 who meet specific criteria, such as investing in property, having substantial financial savings, or earning a stable income. The retirement visa provides a long-term residence permit, allowing retirees to enjoy their post-career years in Dubai.

Legal and Financial Considerations

Employers hiring older workers in Dubai must adhere to specific legal requirements, including obtaining special approvals from MoHRE and paying higher fees for work permits. Compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and ensure a fair working environment.

For expatriates, financial planning is essential for a smooth transition into retirement. This includes saving for the future, investing wisely, and understanding the available retirement benefits. Dubai offers various pension plans and benefits that expatriates can take advantage of to secure their financial stability in retirement.

Impact on Employment

Age limits for work visas in Dubai have a significant impact on the job market. While they ensure that younger workers have opportunities, they also pose challenges for older workers who may find it difficult to renew their work permits or secure new employment.

However, the presence of older, experienced workers can be a valuable asset to employers, bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Older workers can remain competitive by continuously updating their skills, staying informed about industry trends, and maintaining a proactive approach to career development.


What is the minimum age to get a work visa in Dubai?
The minimum age to obtain a work visa in Dubai is 18 years. However, individuals aged 15 to 18 can work under specific conditions with a juvenile work permit.

Can individuals over 60 get work visas in Dubai?
Yes, individuals over 60 can obtain work visas in Dubai, but they must get special approvals from MoHRE and pay higher fees. Work permits for those over 60 are renewed annually.

What are the options for working beyond the age of 65?
Workers can continue working beyond the age of 65 if they have rare skills or significant experience and obtain the necessary approvals from MoHRE. Work permits for these individuals are issued on a case-by-case basis.

How can expatriates plan for retirement in Dubai?
Expatriates can plan for retirement in Dubai by saving, investing in property, or maintaining a stable income. Dubai offers retirement visas for those over 55 who meet specific financial criteria.

What documents are required to apply for a juvenile work permit?
To apply for a juvenile work permit, applicants need written consent from a guardian, a medical fitness certificate, proof of residence permit, a copy of the passport, and an approved employment contract.

Understanding the age limits for work visas in Dubai is crucial for expatriates planning to work in the city. Dubai's flexible work policies, which allow for continued employment up to the age of 65 with the necessary approvals, provide valuable opportunities for experienced professionals.

By staying informed about these regulations and planning for retirement, expatriates can enjoy a rewarding career and a secure future in Dubai.

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Ummulkiram Pardawala

Written by Ummulkiram Pardawala

Ummulkiram is a Content Writer at HiDubai. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Finance, is an expert Baker, and also a wordsmith.
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