
Dubai Chambers Unveils Transformative Agenda for Dubai Business Forum – China

Dubai Chambers Unveils Transformative Agenda for Dubai Business Forum – China

Dubai Chambers has unveiled plans for the inaugural Dubai Business Forum – China, scheduled for August 21-22 in Beijing.

Timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and the UAE, the forum aims to bolster decades of successful economic collaboration.

Themed ‘China, Dubai and Beyond: Igniting Global Trade and Investment,’ the event aims to attract high-growth companies to Dubai while supporting Chinese businesses in expanding regionally and globally. Highlights include panel discussions on trade innovation, global opportunities for Chinese firms, and economic synergies between Dubai and China. Sessions will also cover technology, innovation, sustainability, and investment prospects in sectors like green tech, AI, healthcare, and renewable energy.

His Excellency Mohammad Ali Rashed Lootah, President and CEO of Dubai Chambers, emphasized China's strategic importance to Dubai, underlining their decision to launch the forum in Beijing. The forum, hosted at Beijing's China World Hotel, will gather public and private sector leaders from both nations to forge economic partnerships and explore investment prospects.

The Dubai Business Forum – China marks the first in a series of global editions aimed at showcasing opportunities aligned with China's ‘Made in China 2025’ and Dubai's Economic Agenda (D33). Future forums are set to be hosted in key financial hubs worldwide, highlighting Dubai’s economic potential on a global scale.

News Source: Dubai Media Office

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