
Dubai Culture Inaugurates Expo 2020 Dubai Museum

Dubai Culture Inaugurates Expo 2020 Dubai Museum

Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed inaugurated the Expo 2020 Dubai Museum at Expo City Dubai on International Museum Day.

Emphasizing museums as educational hubs, the event celebrates Dubai's cultural innovation and global leadership in innovation, showcasing UAE heritage to foster global engagement and inspire future advancements.

Sheikha Latifa emphasized Dubai's role in fostering a sustainable cultural movement through the Expo 2020 Dubai Museum, preserving historic exhibition essence for future generations. Expo City becomes a cultural hub, enhancing Dubai's global position in culture, arts, and literature. The museum hosted a private event reflecting Expo themes, and it opens to the public on International Museum Day, May 18. Dubai will host the International Council of Museums (ICOM) General Conference in 2025, reinforcing its status as a cultural capital.

Expo City Dubai and Dubai Culture last year established a dynamic partnership aimed at enhancing the emirate's arts and culture scene. This collaboration focuses on empowering creatives and young talent, highlighting the Emirati heritage, and reinforcing the UAE's global standing as a creative hub.

News Source: Emirates News Agency

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