
UAE Jobs: Expats Accepting Large Pay Cuts Amid Surge in Job Seekers

UAE Jobs: Expats Accepting Large Pay Cuts Amid Surge in Job Seekers

A recent study by recruitment firm Robert Half reveals a significant trend in the UAE job market, indicating that a substantial number of expatriates are arriving in the country without secured employment, willing to accept lower pay to secure a role.

According to the report released on Tuesday, 49% of UAE employers have observed this influx, facilitated in part by the introduction of a job exploration visa last October amid the UAE's rapid economic expansion.

Gareth El Mettouri, Middle East Director at Robert Half, highlighted the attractiveness of the UAE's climate, tax-free earnings, and multicultural lifestyle, which continue to draw expats hopeful of finding employment upon arrival. This optimism, however, has intensified competition among job seekers, with many forced to settle for lower salaries or take less favorable positions to remain in the country.

The study underscores that employers are benefiting from this surplus of talent, with 52% reporting an increase in job applications compared to the previous year. Moreover, 43% of employers noted a quicker recruitment process due to the immediate availability of candidates, while a third confirmed that unemployed expats are willing to accept substantial pay reductions to secure employment.

Despite the influx, challenges persist for employers in finding candidates with the necessary skills. While 71% of UAE hiring managers find it easier to attract workers, many struggle to match talent with specific job requirements. This mismatch highlights a broader issue where businesses may prioritize cost over skill fit, potentially hindering long-term growth.

Robert Half's study indicates a robust hiring outlook, with 72% of UAE employers planning new hires within the next six months. Economic expansion remains a primary driver, with half of respondents citing business growth as their motivation to expand teams, while 30% aim to fill vacant roles crucial for achieving organizational goals.

The influx of expatriates continues to reshape the UAE job market, presenting both opportunities and challenges for employers navigating a landscape rich in talent yet demanding in skill specificity.

News Source: Khaleej Times

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