• 51 workshops identify 140 development projects
• Al Mudharreb: Benchmarking studies conducted with five cosmopolitan cities
Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has concluded a study assessing the current situation of its artificial intelligence study, which paved the way for embarking on an updated strategy guided by the UAE Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2031 as well as the latest trends and benchmarks of the industry worldwide. The study concluded to identify 140 projects to improve the technological performance of all operational, service and administrative processes as well as employee productivity.

Mohammed Al Mudharreb, CEO of Corporate Technology Support Services Sector, RTA said:
“The assessment responds to the needs of the upcoming digitization era, the 4th Industrial Revolution and the broadening of the artificial intelligence (AI) scope within the RTA. It covers three elements: the first is the current strategy and the AI roadmap at RTA. The second is regulation and governance, which assess the extent of the compliance of sectors and agencies with the AI polices and ethics judged by the Smart Dubai standards. The third covers the infrastructure that includes the readiness of information, technology tools and operational systems."
“The assessment revealed that 32 projects related to the use of AI technologies had been accomplished, and 31 projects are currently underway. These projects encompass a variety of focus areas such as the automation of operations and administrative process, traffic management and smart roads, improved customer’s personal experience, safety, security and crises management in addition to building capacities, knowledge management, and the improved employee productivity.”
As for the future vision, Al Mudharreb stated that RTA had set an all-inclusive roadmap for the next five years. He commented:
“Departments across the RTA held 51 workshops that have identified 140 projects and use of AI technology in data analysis, process automation, decisions and service improvements."
“These projects are aligned with the requirements of future technologies. In this regard, we have carried benchmarking studies with five metropolitan cities: London, Sydney, New York, Seoul and Singapore. Entitles of those cities share performance indicators that are more or less similar to RTA’s operational model.”
The CEO of Corporate Technology Support Services Sector, RTA concluded:
“The master plan we have developed is fully aligned with the local, federal and international vision under the realms of the UAE AI Strategy 2031. The overall objective of the plan is to make savings in expenses, improve performance and services and achieve higher efficiency let alone realizing the government’s Smart City initiative.”
News Source: https://mediaoffice.ae/en/news/2020/October/25-10/RTA-updates-5-year-Artificial-Intelligence-Strategy