“New name but still your fave mall,” the shopping destination said on the social media platform.
The Dubai Mall has announced a new name over 14 years after it first opened to the world. It is now simply called Dubai Mall — without the ‘The’.
“New name but still your fave mall,”
the shopping mall said on TikTok as it posted a video about the name change.
The video clip titled ‘Introducing our new mall name’ features the latest TikTok trend: Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard snapping his fingers. #bigchanges was among the hashtags that were used.
Reactions to the change ranged from excitement to indifference and sadness.
Watch on TikTok
“THE Dubai Mall was iconic tho,”
said one user.
“I use Dubai Mall so doesn’t affect how I say it,”
said another.
Some said they didn’t realise that there was a ‘The’ in the mall’s name.
“I forgot there was a ‘the’ in the first place,”
said a user.
“Wait, so the correct wording all along was: ‘The Dubai Mall’,”
asked another.
Following the move, the mall used the new name on its TikTok, Instagram and Facebook accounts.
Dubai Mall in Downtown Dubai is the most visited retail and lifestyle destination in the world - welcoming over 100 million visitors every year, according to its website. It has more than 1,200 retail outlets, along with over 200 international dining experiences.
News Source: Khaleej Times