
UAE Employees Enjoy Higher Monthly Salaries Than GCC and Many European Nations

UAE Employees Enjoy Higher Monthly Salaries Than GCC and Many European Nations

In the UAE, employees earn some of the highest salaries in the Middle East and Arab world, ranking among the top 20 countries globally in 2024.

The average gross monthly wage is $3,663 (Dh13,400), placing the UAE 18th worldwide. Among Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations, Qatar ranks second with an average monthly wage of $3,168, followed by Saudi Arabia ($1,888), Kuwait ($1,854), Bahrain ($1,728), and Oman ($1,626). The UAE's average monthly salary surpasses those of France, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Spain, Japan, South Korea, Austria, and over 170 other countries. This high earning potential has attracted professionals and workers from Asia, the US, Europe, and the Middle East to the UAE.

“The UAE now attracts the best talent from Europe. Previously, attracting Tier-1 talent from Europe was a challenge, and most of the professionals were in the Tier-3 category. But now, the trust and confidence of Western professionals have grown tremendously in Dubai and the UAE. Therefore, now top-level professionals willingly relocate to Dubai due to its tax-free salary, safety and security, and salaries that easily match those of some of the advanced Western countries,”

said the chairman of a top Dubai property developer during a recent Ramadan gathering.

A study by Mercer predicts a four percent increase in salaries in the UAE this year. Andrew El Zein from Mercer noted the UAE's attractiveness for foreign workers, with many multinational companies based there, leading to heightened competition for talent within the country and across the region.

Cooper Fitch's "Salary Guide UAE 2024" report revealed that the majority – 53 percent – of UAE firms plan to increase their employees’ salaries in 2024. More than one-third – 39 percent – plan to raise wages by up to 5 percent, almost one in ten by 6 to 9 percent, and one in 20 (5 percent) is preparing for an increase by 10 percent or more.

In the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, the magazine said the UAE is followed by Israel ($3,608; Dh13,200), Qatar ($3,168), Saudi Arabia ($1,888), Kuwait ($1,854), Bahrain ($1,728), Morocco ($1,657) and Oman ($1,626).

Globally, the average wage is highest in the European countries, led by Switzerland ($8,111), followed by Luxembourg ($6,633), the US ($6,455), Iceland ($6,441) and Norway ($5,665). African countries have the lowest monthly wages, led by Lesotho ($24), Angola ($27), Malawi ($31), Mali ($34) and North Kora ($37).

News Source: Khaleej Times

Maryam Pervez

Written by Maryam Pervez

Maryam is the Managing Editor at HiDubai, bringing 8+ years of expertise in marketing, social media, and content development. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Comms from Middlesex University.
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