
UAE Holidays: Essential Tips to Protect Your Home, Vehicles from Burglary and Fire While Travelling

UAE Holidays: Essential Tips to Protect Your Home, Vehicles from Burglary and Fire While Travelling

As the summer holiday season approaches in the UAE, many residents are gearing up for extended vacations abroad or visits to their home countries. With schools set to close from early July to late August, families are preparing to make the most of the approximately eight-week break. However, alongside the excitement of travel, authorities are reminding citizens and expatriates alike to take necessary precautions to secure their homes and belongings while away.

The Abu Dhabi Police have issued a series of recommendations aimed at minimizing the risks of theft and fire hazards during the holiday period.

Here are some key measures residents are advised to take:

1. Secure Your Home: Before departing, ensure all doors, windows, and other entry points to your home are securely locked. It’s crucial to pay attention to back entrances as well, which are often overlooked.

2. Install Surveillance Cameras: Consider installing surveillance cameras around your property. These devices not only act as a deterrent to potential intruders but also provide valuable evidence in the event of a security breach.

3. Utilize Smart Technologies: Invest in smart home technologies and alarm systems that offer real-time alerts and remote monitoring capabilities. These systems can significantly enhance the security of your home.

4. Protect Valuables: Store valuable items such as money, jewellery, and important documents in secure places. Safes or bank lockers are recommended for storing such items to minimize the risk of theft.

5. Maintain Electrical and Gas Systems: Regularly inspect and maintain your home's electrical and gas systems to prevent fire hazards. Faulty wiring or gas leaks can pose serious risks in your absence.

6. Engage Neighbours: Inform trusted neighbours about your travel plans. A vigilant community can help keep an eye on your property and notify authorities of any suspicious activities.

7. Secure Your Vehicles: Ensure your vehicles are parked in designated areas and properly locked. Neglecting vehicle security can make them vulnerable to theft or potential fire hazards.

Social Media Caution: Authorities also emphasize the importance of refraining from sharing travel details and vacation photos on social media platforms. Posting such information can inadvertently alert potential thieves to the fact that a home is unattended, making it a target for burglary.

Additionally, travelers are urged not to post images of their boarding passes on social media, as these documents contain sensitive information that could be exploited by criminals for identity theft and other illegal activities.

For those seeking additional peace of mind, the Dubai Police offer a free home security service designed to monitor properties while residents are away. This service includes patrols that keep a watchful eye on homes, whether occupants are on vacation or traveling for other reasons.

By following these precautions and utilizing available resources, residents can significantly reduce the risks associated with leaving their homes unattended during the summer holiday period. Taking proactive steps ensures a worry-free vacation and safeguards valuable property against potential threats.

News Source: Khaleej Times

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