
New UAE Law: Every medical facility is required to provide at least one remote service

New UAE Law: Every medical facility is required to provide at least one remote service

The new legislation is part of a comprehensive healthcare regulatory framework the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) is working to implement.

All medical facilities must provide at least one remote health service, according to new legislation to be issued by the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) by the end of this year. This was revealed by Shaikha Hassan Al Mansoori, head of the Strategy and Investment section of the Digital Health Department at MOHAP while speaking at a remote conference at the Museum of the Future on Thursday.

The new legislation is part of the comprehensive healthcare regulatory framework that the MOHAP is working on to regulate all remote health services and is expected to come into effect by the end of this year.

“When it comes to legislation related to health services, having regulations is important,”

said Sheikha.

“There must be medical responsibility when it comes to diagnosis and prescription of medicines. We must have clear regulations on this process.”

News Source: Khaleej Times

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