
Getting Winter Ready in Dubai: 7 Essential Tips to Stay Warm and Healthy

Getting Winter Ready in Dubai: 7 Essential Tips to Stay Warm and Healthy

Winter is coming! Popular for its year-round sunny weather, Dubai does experience a temperature difference during the winters. Residents can now enjoy foggy mornings, pleasant afternoons, and breezy nights. With cooler temperatures and a more comfortable outdoors, it is the perfect time to make the most of the city's incredible attractions and outdoor activities.

Here are 7 essential steps to get ready for winter in Dubai and make the most of this wonderful season.

Wardrobe Makeover

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Prepare for the shift in Dubai's weather by swapping your lightweight summer clothing for cozy winter essentials. The temperature during winters in Dubai ranges between 17 degrees Celsius to 28 degrees Celsius and hence does not require heavy winter jackets. You can stock your wardrobe with warm sweaters, scarves, earmuffs, and knitwear. The shopping malls and retail stores in Dubai have updated their collection with winter essentials.

Plan Outdoor Adventures

Winters are the best time to take full advantage of the outdoor activities in Dubai. You can enjoy hiking or walking outdoors and enjoying the weather. The city is home to many beautiful parks where you could spend your evenings just relaxing. Explore the rugged terrain and stunning vistas of Hatta through hiking expeditions. You can experience the enchantment of the desert with memorable camping trips under the starry night sky. Many hospitality groups have opened luxury glamping tents in the middle of the desert.

Read More: Glamping Spots in Dubai

Get Moving

The cold temperatures and reduction in sunlight can affect one’s mental health, more commonly referred to as winter blues. One of the best things to prevent this is by moving around. You can engage in any outdoor exercise like walking, jogging, or swimming. These activities not only contribute to physical fitness and well-being but also allow you to explore the scenic beauty of Dubai's landscapes and coastal areas. Dubai Fitness Challenge has returned for the seventh edition. Many fitness-related events and sessions are being organized around the city.

Read More - Free Fitness Activities To Do Around Dubai

Winterize Your Homes

Winters call for a cozy vibe. Doing a winter makeover can help you feel happy and warm throughout the season. You can swap out lightweight bedding for thicker blankets or duvets. Layer your bed with warm, cozy sheets and blankets to stay warm during the night. Make sure your hot water systems are functioning correctly. Ensure your water heater is set to a comfortable temperature and that there are no leaks in your plumbing. Dubai's winter season can bring occasional rain. Check your roof for any leaks or damage, and ensure your gutters are clear to prevent water damage to your home. Enhance your living room with soft and warm lighting, indoor plants, and festive decorations to give you the proper winter vibe. If you have an outdoor space, you can decorate it with outdoor furniture and lighting as the festive season invites more house guests and dinners.

Read More - DEWA issues necessary guidelines to ensure stable electric supply during rain

Stay Healthy

As the chilly winter season approaches, it is crucial to prioritize your health and well-being. It is not necessary to take health supplements like Vitamin D in Dubai instead you can try to spend time outdoors during daylight hours to get exposure to natural sunlight. Although you may not feel as thirsty as you do in the summer, staying hydrated is crucial during winter, just as it is during summer. Exercise on a regular basis to improve your energy, happiness, and general well-being. It also magically changes your mood levels. The season is also popular for the cold and flu viruses. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly and maintain good hygiene at all times.

Updated Skincare Routine

With the temperature drop, it is essential to take care of your skin differently. The skin tends to lose moisture quickly which leads to dryness and potential irritation. Opt for a gentle cleanser that does not strip the skin of its natural oils and consider incorporating a hydrating toner to replenish lost moisture. Follow up with a nourishing moisturizer that offers both hydration and a barrier against the dry air. Lip balms are a must to prevent chapping. Consider using a humidifier indoors to maintain adequate moisture levels and prevent excessive dryness.

Stock Hot Beverages and Comfort Foods

Despite the winters in Dubai not being as severe as in some other regions, the relatively cooler temperatures call for warmth and comfort. Hot beverages such as tea, coffee, and hot chocolate not only help maintain body temperature but also provide a soothing and relaxing experience during chilly evenings. You can also include comfort foods, such as soups, stews, and warm desserts in your dessert for a cozy night.

Read More: Best Hot Chocolates in Dubai

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