NovoBytes® Technologies Inc - IT & IoT Solution & Services is a comprehensive business solution provider in the field of Information Technology, providing complete IT Solution & Services from Infrastructure Design, System Integration to Development, Cloud Services, Web Services, Application Development, ERP & CRM etc.
What is your business name?
Novobytes IT Solutions & Services.
Which industry does your business belong to?
IT Services.
What is your business type?
Trading and Services.
How old is your business?
1-5 years.
Who are your customers?
Both B2B and B2C.
How did you initially come up with the idea or concept for the business?
After giving 12 years of my life in Technology, I realized Business isn't primarily about making money. There has to be some kind of demand. There were lot of things that I thought and wanted to achieve but those big corporate companies will never agree to that so I started a company that did it. Now I own a business which empowers small business owners with cutting edge technology.
Tell us about some of the major turning points in the history of your business.
When I started thinking about customers engagement and satisfaction more than money.
What made you choose Dubai as a location to setup your business?
Ease of doing business.
What sets your business apart from the competition?
We provide everything from IT Services to Marketing. We offer outstanding customer service, free IT assessment & the best pricing.
What service(s) or product(s) do you offer/manufacture?
Cyber security solution, Backup & Data protection, Cloud Solution, Email Solutions, Antivirus & Enterprise Security Solutions, Website Development & Hosting.
What are the key strengths of your products/services?
- End to End Solutions
- Service delivery including architectural work
- Cost effective & Pragmatic IT solutions
- Partners with world's leading companies like Azure, Acronis, Fortinet, Atos, AWS, Microsoft any many more

What are the best ways for your customers to contact your company?
Phone: +971 4 2393884