
DHA License Dubai: Process, Requirement, Renewal & More

DHA License Dubai: Process, Requirement, Renewal & More

In recent years, Dubai is emerging as a global hub for healthcare services. Characterized by its high-quality services and modern facilities, Dubai’s health care system accommodates both public and private sectors providing medical services. The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) oversees the public and private healthcare sector in the emirate. They create rules and plans for both public and private hospitals and clinics. DHA also tries to make the healthcare system more open and responsible.

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) regulates healthcare professionals and facilities through a licensing system to guarantee the best possible medical care. A DHA license is required for any healthcare practitioner who wants to work in Dubai before engaging in their line of employment. Learn more about the DHA license, its process, eligibility, and more.

What is a DHA License?

A DHA license is a permit issued by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) that allows healthcare professionals to work in the healthcare sector within Dubai. All healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other allied health professionals, must possess this license in order to practice in the emirate. The DHA license certifies that the medical staff meets the necessary qualifications, standards, and competency levels to offer safe and excellent medical services. The DHA licensing process involves an assessment of the applicant’s qualifications and experience. The applicant also needs to pass certain examinations to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in their respective fields. Once the healthcare professional gets the DHA License, he/she is free to practice in the emirate.

Who can apply for a DHA License?

The DHA Health Regulation Department (HRD) is solely in charge of licensing medical specialists who have the education and qualifications necessary to offer Dubai citizens high-quality medical care. The following medical professionals can apply for a DHA License in Dubai.

  • Medical doctors
  • Surgeons
  • Dentists and Dental surgeons
  • Allied health professionals
  • Traditional Medicine Specialists
  • Alternative Medicine Specialists

How to get a DHA License?

In order to practice in the emirate, all medical staff are required to have a DHA License. If you are a medical professional looking forward to a career in Dubai, follow these steps to get a DHA license.

Image Source: DHA


You need to meet certain eligibility requirements to obtain a DHA License. To know if you meet the Unified Healthcare Professional Requirements (PQR) to work in a DHA-licensed healthcare facility, visit the Sheryan portal and complete the self-assessment by providing information about your qualifications and experience. If you are eligible, you can proceed to the next step. If not, you can apply for Review Registration Eligibility with the required details and documents. You will also have to pay AED200 for the application. The manual reviewing process may take up to 10 working days. The applicants need to pass this self-assessment within three attempts across authorities.

Primary Source Verification (PSV) and Computer-based Testing (CBT)

After receiving the eligibility certificate, as an applicant you need to undergo Primary Source Verification (PSV) to verify your educational qualifications and experience. Some professions may require a Computer-based Testing (CBT) assessment to evaluate your knowledge and skills.

The DHA works with Data Flow Group to check the backgrounds of professional applicants for DHA Licenses. They do thorough checks on the academic qualifications, work experience, and relevant credentials of all professionals applying for the license. This ensures that only genuine individuals are granted the DHA license while preventing unqualified or dishonest people from obtaining it.

For some medical professions like doctors, dentists, and nurses, the applicants may require undergoing an initial CBT assessment. This exam is conducted by Prometric to evaluate the knowledge and skills of the applicants before granting them the DHA license.

DHA account registration

Once you become eligible for the DHA License, register yourself on the Sheryan portal. Sheryan is DHA’s online portal for licensing formalities. Visit the website to create an account. DHA registration acts as proof that a healthcare professional fulfills the necessary qualifications for the applied position. It is only valid for one year within which it should be converted into a DHA License. You will have to upload the necessary documents and pay AED200 as a registration fee. This may take up to 5 working days.

Oral assessment

DHA conducts an extensive procedure to make sure that only qualified people are granted the license. This step is not for all applicants. Using the available dates listed in the portal, you can arrange the exam for a time that works for you. To qualify for a DHA license, you must successfully complete this evaluation. The oral evaluation is the last step to ensure that you are eligible to work in Dubai's healthcare sector and that you meet the relevant requirements.

Oral Assessment Fee

Normal assessment for Nurse and Midwife/Allied Health/T&CM: AED250

Normal assessment for Physician/Dentist: AED500

Urgent assessment for all categories: AED2000

Activate professional license

Once you complete the oral assessment, you will become a registered and licensed medical professional. To begin practicing as a doctor in Dubai, you must now activate your DHA license. You must submit a valid offer letter in the correct format along with an activation application. The malpractice insurance certificate should also be included with the documentation. You will also need to pay a license activation fee. You will then receive an interim DHA license, which allows you to begin your medical practice while you await the issuance of the original DHA license.

License Activation Fee

Full-time/Trainee License for Nurse/Allied Health/TCAM: AED1000

Full-time/Trainee License for Physician/Dentist: AED3000

Part-time License for all categories: AED4000

What are the documents required for DHA License?

It is required to submit the following documents at various stages during the DHA License application process.

  • Passport size photo
  • Passport copy
  • Proof of academic qualifications
  • Experience certificates
  • Medical practice license
  • Good standing certificate
  • Logbook for surgical specialties
  • Valid medical fitness report for professionals aged over 65
  • Valid medical malpractice insurance
  • Valid labor card

How to renew your DHA License?

The license is only valid for one year after which medical professionals need to renew their license. To keep your approved position and stay listed in the Dubai Medical Registry, you need to renew your professional registration. If there has been a break in your practice, you will have to go through a re-assessment. You can renew your registration up to three months before it expires or within three months after your professional license is canceled. This service is for healthcare professionals who wish to continue their practice in Dubai. Renewal applicants also need to update their registration with their latest qualifications, experiences, and other necessary documents.

Renewal Registration Fee: AED200

Documents required for renewal of DHA License

  • Passport copy
  • PSV for required documents: Experience, valid license, and good standing
  • Logbook for surgical specialties (in case of clinical gap exceeding 2 years)
  • Renewed malpractice insurance

How to add/upgrade professional registration?

This service gives medical practitioners the chance to update their registration. They can upgrade their current registration to a higher title, add a new registration position, remove any limitations on their registration, or eliminate the trainee restriction. By utilizing this service, healthcare professionals can ensure that their registration accurately reflects their career advancements and qualifications. It offers them the flexibility to adjust their registration as needed to better align with their professional growth and goals.

To utilize this service, applicants need to make sure they have a DHA Good standing certificate, necessary documents for verification, and complete the required Computer Based Training (CBT) assessment.

Applicants will have to pay AED200 as credentialing fees. This service is restricted to professionals whose registration is active, are not blacklisted or revoked, and does not have a none completed CPD action against their registration or license. The applicant also should not have any pending outstanding fines.

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